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The hack could lead to energy-efficient computers

The hack could lead to energy-efficient computers

Artificial intelligence is thriving, but it consumes an enormous amount of energy. Researchers are now developing energy-efficient hardware solutions inspired by nature. An international team has achieved a promising achievement.

Spin Ice: The key to economic AI technology

Classical computers are reaching their limits when it comes to AI applications. To solve this problem, scientists are working on new technologies such as neural computing, which develops hardware architectures similar to biological neural systems, and neural networks. They mimic the way the human brain works and can be more energy efficient than traditional systems.

A potential implementation of such neural networks is based on artificial ice (ASI). ASI is a nanostructured material consisting of small magnetic elements arranged in a lattice whose magnetic moments (spins) interact with each other. Researchers from the UK National Physical Laboratory and their partners have now investigated how “hexagonal magnetic defects” affect this ASI structure.

What is “Spin Ice”:

  • Spin ice materials are crystals in which the magnetic moments (spins) of the atoms exhibit interactions similar to those of water molecules in ice.
  • Artificial spin ice (ASI) is a man-made magnetic material that mimics the properties of natural ice materials.

Hexagonal Defect in ASI: Communications Materials (2024)Hexagonal defects in ASI

These defects are deliberately introduced as hexagonal disturbances into the regular grid structure of the ASI. They change magnetic properties and interactions locally. Scientists were able to specifically influence and control the behavior of the entire system by strategically placing these hexagonal defects. The results were in Communications materials published.

The researchers discovered that the introduced defects create what is called “random topological excitation in the system.” Simply put, these are random but predictable patterns. These patterns affect how information flows and is processed in the network. Thanks to this knowledge, scientists can now better control how ASI-based neural networks work. In the future, this could lead to new, more efficient computer memories and computing devices based on magnetic principles.

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“This work shows a very important milestone for us,” says Olga Kazakova, a researcher at NPL, out loud. Phys. “We can generate topological states associated with ASI defects in a controlled manner and exhibit random but statistically predictable behaviors within the ASI network.”

The results pave the way for further research into reconfigurable spin waveguides, which enable the propagation and control of magnetic signals in materials, and energy-efficient computing systems in the future. It brings us a big step closer to achieving energy-efficient neural computing and demonstrates the potential of international collaboration in basic research. These developments could radically change the way we build and use computers.


  • AI requires a lot of energy; Researchers are looking for solutions
  • Neural computing mimics the biological nervous system
  • Neural networks can be more energy efficient than classical systems
  • ASI is based on nanostructured magnetic elements
  • Hexagonal magnetic defects affect ASI structures
  • Defects produce effects that can be controlled
  • Research could lead to energy-efficient storage and computing units

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