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The leak will not affect the development of GTA 6

The leak will not affect the development of GTA 6

From Thelo Bayer
Take-Two has released new numbers and also commented on GTA 6. The leak in September shouldn’t affect the development. As a successful manufacturer, Take-Two would rather put off games than release them in poor condition anyway.

When Take-Two, the mother of Rockstar and 2K Games, publishes new numbers, the community of interested GTA fans always hopes for data about GTA 6. The wish did not come true this time either.

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The new numbers weren’t really good, even if Take-Two wanted to sell the outlook for the coming years as positive. However, the loss of about $250 million in the last quarter and the lowering of expectations for the year as a whole speak for themselves at the exchange: today in the double-digit basement, in 2022 the IPO will be a whopping 40 percent. And even bestsellers GTA 5 (170 million sales since release) and Red Dead Redemption 2 (46 million) hardly ever increased.

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It’s even more exciting to hear what Take-Two, for example Huge leak from GTA 6 He said in September. Take-Two CEO Strauss Zelnick was “extremely unhappy” about the hack and emphasized that such incidents are taken seriously. Important for current developments like GTA 6

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in another place The CEO was quoted as saying why developments at Take-Two always take so long. Accordingly, there are no “productivity problems” and the company simply insists on “releasing successful results”. You “definitely have high quality expectations and requirements” and you are a “successful manufacturer”. The CEO of Take-Two may have already forgotten about the GTA Trilogy remaster, one might add. Because: Indeed, Take-Two would rather postpone games (as happened with Marvel’s Midnight Suns and Kerbal Space Program 2) than post bad games. It was “always worth waiting for the release at the end”, even if it meant delays.