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The Legend of Zelda: BOTW 2 release date from Nintendo on Tuesday?

The Legend of Zelda: BOTW 2 release date from Nintendo on Tuesday?

  • Adrian Morawski

    FromAdrian Morawski


Any major news about The Legend of Zelda Breath of the Wild 2 at Nintendo’s E3? It looks like GameStop is preparing for a big rush after the presentation.

Colorado, USA – E3 2021 is around the corner. Publisher One will go live on Saturday, June 12th. Of course, some of the biggest publishers will also be represented at the world’s largest game fair, which takes place entirely digitally this year. under it nintendo news about games Nintendo Switch Such as Microsoft with news about Xbox Xbox XNew games from Bethesda and Take-Two will be represented at the show. According to the latest rumors, retailer GameStop is now preparing for a rush after Nintendo’s show. Just why?

game name The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild 2
Version (date of first publication) To be announced
Developer Nintendo Entertainment Planning and Development
Italian Serie A the legend of zelda
editor nintendo
a program Nintendo Switch, Nintendo Switch Pro (not better)
Type action adventure

The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild 2 in progress – trailer at E3 2021?

In a few days, the biggest gaming fair in the world will take place again: E3 2021. After the show was canceled last year, this year it will be held purely digital, with many live broadcasts from various publishers. The approximate schedule for E3 2021 has already been announced. Ubisoft will open E3 on June 12, followed by Xbox and Bethesda on Sunday, Take-Two and Capcom will headline the title Monday and Nintendo will close the show on Tuesday, June 15. Of course, in all the presentations there are already rumors about what will be shown.

The Legend of Zelda: GameStop prepares for a rush to Nintendo Direct

© Nintendo / GameStop / E3 (montage)

At Nintendo Direct at E3 2021, not only will the Nintendo Switch Pro be announced, but also finally the sequel to The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild 2. Jeff Grob shared his assumption that Nintendo will be at E3 a trailer for BOTW 2. This speculation isn’t necessarily fake, after all, fans were already hoping for a trailer for the latest Nintendo Direct in February. However, only the new HD version of The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword has been announced. Breath of the Wild 2 is in the works, but Nintendo can’t provide any additional information yet, according to Eiji Onuma, BOTW 2 producer at Nintendo Direct.

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The Legend of Zelda: GameStop prepares for a rush after Nintendo E3 presentation

Insider Jeff Grubb has now shared rumors that the retailer GameStop is preparing for a rush after this year’s Nintendo Direct at E3 2021. This will take place on June 15 at 6:00 PM German time and will likely feature something related to The Legend of Zelda. At the very least, GameStop should prepare for an attack related to The Legend of Zelda. Unfortunately, we cannot say exactly what all this is.

Some speculate that Nintendo is already announcing Breath of the Wild 2 in conjunction with the Nintendo Switch Pro. BOTW 2 is purported to be a release title for the enhanced console. However, others say the rush has something to do with the previously announced Skyward Sword HD. This won’t appear until July 16, but pre-orders from Nintendo Direct can already be activated. There will also be special amiibo characters with cloud birds and other merchandise. Do they justify the rush? Fans will find out next Tuesday at the latest.

However, Jeff Grubb noted that GameStop will likely get more supplies from next-generation consoles like the PS5 and Xbox Series X after E3. If you haven’t got either console, you should keep your eyes peeled at GameStop on June 15th.

Category Image: © Nintendo / GameStop / E3 (montage)