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The main candidates: who will be the president of the European Commission?  |  Threads

The main candidates: who will be the president of the European Commission? | Threads

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Since 2014, political parties have been proposing their best candidates for the European elections. Parliament has been fighting for this for a long time.

In a resolution issued in December 2023, members of the European Parliament called for a clear and credible link between the results of the European elections and the election of the President of the Commission. Members of the European Parliament demand that the election of the Commission President be based on a majority in Parliament, and that backdoor deals in the European Council be stopped.

The candidate of the European political party that wins the largest number of seats in the elections is considered the candidate for the presidency of the European Commission, the executive body of the European Union.

the European Union treaties It stipulates that after the elections, EU member states will nominate a candidate for the position of President of the European Commission, taking into account the results of the European elections.

The Parliament elects the new Commission President by an absolute majority (half of the current members of the European Parliament plus one). If a candidate does not receive enough votes, EU member states must propose another candidate.

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