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The Masked Singer – Mysterious Christmas Show

The Masked Singer – Mysterious Christmas Show

Who is hiding under the Christmas masks of “present”, “reindeer” and “goose”? The Masked Singer Christmas special on ProSieben will once again be a lot of fun with loads of music for the whole family.

The hit guessing show “The Masked Singer” presents a gift to everyone who guesses on TV for Christmas, namely the second Christmas Eve on ProSieben. The special edition “The Masked Singer – The Enigmatic Christmas Show” will offer all fans of funny music and tips on a wonderful Christmas Eve. And this time, all masks will be lifted on the same evening. You can choose from them “Gift”, “Reindeer” and “Goose”But who is hiding under the masks, will we recognize them from the sound or from the movements during the premiere?

Great advice and moderation team for “The Masked Singer – Mysterious Christmas Show”!

So on Christmas Day we’ll be puzzling again in front of the screens and see if the advice team is in the studio. Andrea Swatsky, Ruth Mushner And Rhea Garvey She is of the same opinion as us. Actress Andrea Swatsky was already a part of the masked singer’s show as “Das Axolotl” and thus was surprised at how cool she was and gave her her own identity. But does it help you guess who will be next under the Christmas masks? Ruth Mochner is known for researching everything in advance, inviting all friends and watching exactly what he does when he’s on the social media channels of the stars, and thus always comes up with the strangest ideas for debunking masks. Rhea Garvey is in luck this time, The Three Christmas Masks aren’t likable toys because he doesn’t like them, as he clearly said in the latest issue of The Masked Singer. And of course the angel should not be missing at Christmas and it will be Bulent Ceylon, who actually rocked the stage as “Der Engel”, in the special edition Matthias Obdenhofel Moderately supportive. The big guess about the three Christmas masks with “The Masked Singer – Mysterious Christmas ShowOn stage on December 26th at 8:15pm on ProSieben, beautiful music, Christmas carols, stars and lots of fun are on top.

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Photo: ProSieben / Willi Weber