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The new WhatsApp update brings with it a huge advantage

The new WhatsApp update brings with it a huge advantage

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Anyone who uses WhatsApp can look forward to another update. In the future, the messaging service will have functionality that goes hand-in-hand with Instagram.

Kassel – In order to provide the best possible experience to its users, WhatsApp is committed to constantly improving its offering. Sometimes security vulnerabilities are fixed with an update, and sometimes the new version provides practical functions that make WhatsApp easier to use.

In this case, WhatsApp users who are active on different social media platforms – and they are very active here – will especially get their money's worth.

The new update to WhatsApp brings with it a practical feature – sharing statuses more easily on Instagram

It is definitely tiring and annoying for many people to constantly post separate status and story updates on WhatsApp and Instagram. There should be an opportunity to do this in one go and with just a few clicks for all relevant channels.

The new WhatsApp update brings with it a huge advantage
There is a future feature on WhatsApp that will make sharing your private Instagram status much easier. © Arnaud Borghi/DPA

At least not yet. indeed WhatsApp Blog Reports WABetaInfo On Thursday (April 11) we developed a function that would make this possible. In other words: In the future, WhatsApp users should be able to post their WhatsApp status directly to Instagram if necessary.

The new WhatsApp functionality is initially available for Android users only

This means that the proverb says two birds can be killed with one stone. The cross-publishing feature is said to be currently being developed for Android. But as we saw in the WhatsApp 24/8/72 beta for iOS, it will soon also be available to those who use WhatsApp on an iOS device.

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Anyone who can call themselves a beta tester will already see the new sharing feature in the Updates tab. When the development including the entire testing phase is complete, your WhatsApp status can be shared to your Facebook and Instagram accounts in the future. There is also a new feature in WhatsApp that affects voice messages.

“We believe this integration will increase user convenience”: New update on WhatsApp

“We believe this integration will increase user convenience by allowing WhatsApp users to quickly and easily share their highlights with their WhatsApp contacts and Instagram followers, and without the need for manual re-release,” the developers say.

WhatsApp Blog provides important information WABetaInfo It equals. This will be an optional feature. This means: If you are interested in it, you must first activate it manually. The developers' goal is for the feature to increase compatibility with Instagram. In a future update, it will be introduced to WhatsApp users' devices – potentially saving a lot of stress. By the way: Three major changes will be implemented in WhatsApp starting Thursday, April 11. (Han)