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The next patch in April should fix this annoying problem • JPGAMES.DE

The next patch in April should fix this annoying problem • JPGAMES.DE

last work Pokemon Crimson and Crimson They make a name for themselves by saving mistakes. The problem rarely occurs, but when it does, the save may be corrupt.

As a result, many fans are now concerned about connecting to Pokémon GO, with players reporting that the issue appeared after pairing with the mobile game. However, this is not guaranteed and only very few fans have reported it.

The Pokémon Company now has another patch announce. But it is not clear if he is addressing the issue. What is specifically described, however, is that it will fix an error where the trainer inserted a file Pokemon Egg Instead of Paradox Pokémon Wind Surge and Iron Leaf before they updated the game version.

These “rotten eggs,” as they are called in the community, are placeholders for Pokémon. You can’t do anything with it. The affected trainers could no longer capture Wind Surge and Eisenblatt after that. This is of course annoying.

User wrote in TwitterHe wasn’t aware of the update but had seen strange eggs in the raids. wanted it. He didn’t know it was the placeholder for Windevoge and Eisenblatt, which didn’t yet exist in the user’s game code.

Alternatively, after the patch, which is scheduled for the end of April, it will again be possible to capture Wind Surge and Iron Leaf in another Tera Raid event. The Pokémon Company plans to announce more details in due course.

The Pokémon Company apologizes for the inconvenience. The error in the score was not addressed, but Serebi’s Joe Merrick did quoted A statement from the company that he had, according to which the person was already aware of the problem.

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Artwork: Pokemon Crimson, Pokemon Crimson, Nintendo, The Pokemon Companygame freak