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The number of players can be increased in multiplayer battles

The number of players can be increased in multiplayer battles

343 studios seem to be considering the maximum number of players in multiplayer battles in Halo: The Master Chief Collection (from 29.99€ in to buy) to height. to write radar games ألعاب He points out, among other things, a clip on Twitter. There producer Sean Swidersky commented on the Xbox’s Twitch stream that such a possibility is currently under investigation.

In his opinion, it would be technically possible to carry out such an undertaking and achieve battles from 40 to 60 players. However, one must first deal closely with the potential performance on consoles.

So far, the multiplayer mode has been geared to a maximum of 16 players. In the future infinite auraSince Microsoft wants to use free play in multiplayer mode for the first time, the maximum number of players on certain cards should be increased to 24 participants.

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