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The Pope asks for prayers for the World Synod in October

The Pope asks for prayers for the World Synod in October

Pope Francis asks the faithful to pray especially for the World Council in October. In this monthly prayer request video, the church leader discusses the importance of mission.

Mario Galgano – Vatican City

“Mission is the heart of the Church. Even more than that,” the Pope said, “when the Church is in synod, this synodal dynamic is supported only by the missionary vocation.” Mission is “the answer to Jesus’ mission to proclaim the Gospel.”

Francis continued that he also wanted to remind people that nothing will end at the World Synod, but rather that the path of the Church will continue. “It is a journey in which we walk like the disciples of Emmaus, obeying the Lord who comes among us. “He is the master of surprise.”

Listen to what the Pope says

The Pope continued: Through prayer and discernment, the Holy Spirit helps us to practice the “mission of hearing,” that is, listening with God’s ears in order to speak the Word of God.

“In this way we approach the heart of Christ, from which our message emanates and from which comes the voice that leads us to Him. A voice that reveals to us the essence of the message, which is to reach everyone, seek out everyone, welcome everyone, include everyone and exclude no one.

Listening and dialogue

Finally, Pope Francis called on the Church to support her in prayer: “Let us pray that the Church will live a way of life at all levels characterized by listening and dialogue, and that she will allow herself to be led by the Holy Spirit to the ends of the world.” . “

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Next week, the World Synod will begin at the Vatican on October 4 – the feast day of St. Francis of Assisi. Every month, the Pope invites believers around the world to pray for specific concerns. Francis personally presents his concerns in a monthly video.

(Vatican News)