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The race is still open for Laschet, Scholz and Baerbock

The race is still open for Laschet, Scholz and Baerbock

After the first television experience, the race is still open for all three candidates. For Laschet, it wasn’t a “game changer”.

Berlin: Armin Laschet seems serious and thoughtful when presenting the results of the deliberations of the CDU Presidium – but he is also combative.

No change in opinion polls

An urgent poll for “Forsa” showed that the exchange of blows between the Christian Democratic Union and the Christian Social Union candidate for the position of chancellor with his rivals from the SPD and the Greens, Olaf Scholz and Annalina Barbock, on Sunday evening, did not change the disastrous poll numbers. exactly the contrary.

36 percent for Schulze

But at least Laschet is now back in the field after his first big try, according to the CDU. He showed his followers that he could still be expected.

36 percent Of the approximately 2,500 participants in a representative poll of “Chance” of eligible viewers, they reported that SPD candidate Olaf Schultz had won the victory over RTL and ntv channels. 30 percent are ahead of Annalina Barbuk, the leader of the Green Party, compared to only 25 percent for Laschet. Shown: The race is still open, but with clear advantages for Schultz. Lachet does not like it.

But when asked How frustrating the poor performance is, the CDU president showed no sign of depression on Monday lunchtime: “Not at all,” Laschet replied. “Five million people watched, that’s what I am now.” Now at least the topics are finally being talked about.

Who is the “counsellor” – Laschet or Schulze?

Critics accuse Laschet Trielli sometimes seemed pinched, and Scholz seemed “more of a consultant”. But when asked what he would like to change in his appearance in the triple exchange on ARD and ZDF in two weeks’ time, Laschet did not react as well as usual. “Let the voters decide what they think the chancellor,” he answered calmly. “It wouldn’t be the chancellor if you imitated the diamond,” he told Schultz’s direction. He had photographed himself for “SZ Magazin” with his hands folded in diamonds – the trademark of Chancellor Angela Merkel (CDU), who is no longer running after nearly 16 years in office.

Laschet is used again Appearing to launch attacks on Schultz – he did not answer the question of whether he would enter into an alliance with the Left Party if necessary. Schulze should listen a lot to the question from Laschet.

There is no new edition The Red Socks campaign by then-CDU General Secretary Peter Hintz from 1994, as stated at the CDU summit. You know from surveys that many people no longer fear that. But of course they hope in the party leadership that supporters will remain enthusiastic about crossing with the union. Because it should be tight on September 26th.

Merkel and Laschet on the other hand

There is one small peculiarity of the chair: unlike the usual, photographers are initially accepted. The photos show Laschet and Merkel in intense exchange. It is very likely that the candidate will hope to benefit a little from the huge popularity that Merkel continues to enjoy with her apparent closeness to the chancellor. It’s all about every vote now.

Schultz, the SPD chancellor candidate, does not have to rediscover himself

Schulz doesn’t have to reinvent himself four weeks before the election, nor does he have to come up with any hitherto neglected strengths, like Barbock or Lachet. Portraying him as experienced and reliable, yet somewhat progressive, he manages to manage the scanning boom that also pulls SPD to the top.

see direction Democratic Socialists all over the Union – depending on the above institution, the same or even once below – but it has already solidified to some extent. There is only one thing Schultz should not mistake. And the vice chancellor doesn’t seem like it was particularly difficult for him – although his political record, for example with the G20 riots in 2017 and the million-dollar fraud on Wirecard, is also impeccable.

In Triell, the SPD candidate was calm, earnest, and firm, but also a bit of wait-and-see and defensive. A guy with great streaks, he lets Laschet’s attacks roll with equanimity and is friendly towards Barbook. Will withdrawn species continue to move into elections? Schulz mentions many, many previous campaigns in Teflon in which Chancellor Merkel did not want to let anything burn.

Now he has Schulz But with one of the Union’s rivals, behind whom the CDU and the Christian Christian Union are likely to gather more and more in light of the impending defeat – and with Green with renewed vigor. The temporary reluctance after the start of the corrupt election campaign seems to give way to Baerbock’s will not to leave Schultz in first place without a fight.

Green Chancellor candidate Barbock: Attack to Leave

It’s no longer happening, but a fresh start and a renewal: this is the central message of Birbock in the television trio. She used her role as the only opposition policy in the group to demarcate the border and attack. In Afghan politics, the government has been accused of “evasion” and in climate protection “years of doing nothing”.

Equally active It is also Baerbock’s appeal for the fair treatment of children, for a basic guarantee of children and fair educational opportunities. This part has impressed the union members, and it is said at the CDU that one has to sharpen it here.

From the rows of vegetables The next day, there is, of course, plenty of praise for Triell’s appearance by the co-chair. The race is more open than ever, the doomed female candidate, damaged by accidents and mistakes of her own accord, is completely back in the game. “After this victory, anything is possible,” Britta Haselmann, the first parliamentary director of the parliamentary Greens group, tells dpa. Barbock was not only combative, he was also elegant Sunday evening. In the race, there are “three candidates, but two directions,” according to Haselman’s analysis. Voters can choose between “business as usual” and “better policies.”

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