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The refugees came with their relatives: the Turks were convicted of smugglers

The refugees came with their relatives: the Turks were convicted of smugglers

To the minds International smuggling organizations Getting there is usually impossible. Those who the police can arrest are often small cogs in this Criminal organizations. Drivers, for example.

They usually tell the story in court Almost identical stories: They were approached by strangers who asked if they would like to take people across the border in their cars, but they did not know any names or who was behind them. The money promised for illegal smuggling trips is usually not paid.

But the Turkish citizen from southern Lower Austria presented his case differently, which is what happened on Monday Regional Court of Wiener Neustadt He had to take responsibility. The Wiener Neustadt prosecutor's office also charged him with smuggling as part of a criminal organization. He transported more than 100 people on 48 trips across Austria and helped them organize their illegal crossing or purchase tickets. But the man insisted he “just wanted to help.”

Quarters for refugees

The man said: “One day, my relatives called me from Turkey and said they wanted to go to Germany. So I offered to help them.” He was surprised when his relatives picked him up from the train station: “There were other people there too.” So he has this too Food, drink and a place to stay overnight He ordered before they continued their journey.

But the man's “help” did not end there. “Looks like these guys have my phone number on one of them Smuggling organization Because I was then called from unknown numbers.” “Helps without asking for money”. That's why he had the opportunity to continue sheltering runaway people.

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“No payment”

“They said the police always arrest someone and then people get stuck somewhere and can't travel any further,” the defendant recalled. He was offered compensation for his expenses: “for food, drinks and some sort of hotel fee.” However, he confirmed that he did not receive any further payments.

A total of 115 people The Turkish citizen admitted that they came and went over the course of two years. “If you think about it in a quiet moment: What did you think you were doing?”, the chief justice wanted to know from him. The answer was: “I am helping them because these people were in a very bad situation.” But the judge responded dryly: “It is possible that any illegal smuggling organization around the world could justify itself with this.”

The sentence – three years and nine months – is not final.