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The repair bonus will also apply to bikes in the future

The repair bonus will also apply to bikes in the future

A non-motorized bicycle repair voucher can be applied for from September.

The repair bonus offered by the Climate Ministry with new funds will be extended until 2025 and expanded to include bikes without electric motor support. Previously, federal funding only applied to devices with electronic or electric components, so e-bikes were included, and regular bicycles were not. Environment Minister Leonor Goessler (Greens) said on Tuesday that a bicycle repair voucher can be applied for from September.

However, the repair bonus cannot yet be redeemed at all bike dealers. Many dealers do not have a commercial license for bicycle technology or mechatronics, and are therefore only allowed to carry out minor repairs, but not, for example, to change a brake disc.

1 million devices repaired

According to the ministry, more than one million devices have been repaired since the repair bonus was introduced. To date, €130 million has been made available for this purpose from the EU Recovery and Resilience Fund. There are now €124 million available from national continuity funds, €92 million for 2024 and €32 million for 2025.

In 2023, 39% of repairs financed through vouchers were for smartphones, 9% each for dishwashers, washing machines, espresso machines and coffee machines, and 5% for laptops. According to the Ministry of Climate Protection, an average of around €100 is financed per repair voucher. 50% of costs are financed, up to a maximum of €200. (Abba)

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