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The roadshow stopped – Cybersecurity as a topic at Wiener Neustädter Sparkasse

The roadshow stopped – Cybersecurity as a topic at Wiener Neustädter Sparkasse

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Martin Marca (Interior Ministry), Andrea List-Margreiter (Chamber of Commerce), Andrea Obermayer (Interior Ministry), Jürgen Busch (Sparkas), Walter Glaninger (TIP) and Peter Brandstetter (Ecoplus Digital).

Wiener Neustadter Sparkass

DrThe Chamber of Commerce invited its members to the “Cybersecurity Awareness” roadshow in the ballroom of the Wiener Neustädter Sparkasse.

Speakers from the Federal Ministry of the Interior informed interested entrepreneurs about topics such as “Secure deletion of data” or “Secure password selection”. The public was made aware of the unconscious transfer of information or exploitation of security vulnerabilities.

“Prevention is everything,” sums up Jürgen Busch, Head of the Trade Center at Wiener Neustädter Sparkasse: “Examples of phishing, ransomware or fraud on executives as well as the growing number of cybercrime cases show how important it is to address this issue.” seriously.”

Speakers also introduced the cybersecurity hotline 0800888133 – where experts can help you quickly and without bureaucracy if you have already fallen victim to a cyberattack.

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