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The rocket was launched around the world in 2023: all information about the next launch of the electron

The rocket was launched around the world in 2023: all information about the next launch of the electron

Here at we keep you up to date with the latest information about upcoming and completed rocket launches and NASA missions. Here you can find out which manned and unmanned space flights have started, which are about to take place and what mission Electron will perform.

This information is known about the upcoming launch of the Electron:

The next start time window for a file electron It is currently Monday, January 23, 2023. The rocket is scheduled to begin its journey into space between 11:00 PM and 1:00 AM.

the condition: The current T-0 has been confirmed by official or reliable sources.

launch service provider electron is she Rocket Lab Ltd. This is a commercial service provider.

above this link You can use Google Maps to see where the rocket is currently and awaiting launch. The site is Wallops Island, Virginia, USA, more precisely: the Rocket Lab 2 launch complex (launch area 0c). A total of 73 flights have departed from here so far. The currently selected site has a total of 0 completed runs.

Here’s what we know about Virginia for the Launch Lovers mission:

Electron flight is a customized flight.

Rideshare mission with 3 HawkEye 360 ​​satellites and other payloads.

Electron starts its mission in Low Earth orbit. This is located at an altitude of 200 to 2000 km. LEO rides are lower powered and easier to access. The spacecraft needs about 100 minutes to orbit the Earth and can move at a speed of about 7 km/s. Maximum radio contact with a ground station is 15 minutes per round trip. Low Earth orbit is mainly used for manned spaceflight, but also for spy and astronomical satellites, as well as Earth and weather exploration satellites, amateur radio satellites, global communications systems, research and technology test satellites.

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All information about Electron | Virginia is absolutely for lovers In a glance:

Rocket electron
full name electron
Launch the service provider Rocket Lab Ltd
Task name Virginia is absolutely for lovers
task type custom trip
start time 01/23/2023
orbit Low Earth orbit
the condition Ready to go
country United States of America
Location Wallops Island, Virginia, United States

The last update time for this information is 01/13/2023at 00:29.

+++ Editorial note: This text was automatically generated based on existing data from “The Space Devs”. If you have any comments or questions, please contact [email protected]. +++

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