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The satellite makes a mysterious discovery on the far side of the moon

The satellite makes a mysterious discovery on the far side of the moon

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from: Sandra Spear

Researchers have discovered an unexpected rock formation on the Moon. The discovery makes the Earth’s satellite more similar to Earth in one way than previously thought.

Tucson — While testing a new method for using microwaves to remotely measure geothermal gradients, a research team led by Dr. Matt Siegler of the Planetary Science Institute found a spot on the far side of the moon that is about ten degrees Celsius warmer than the surrounding area. How is that outlet EurekaAlert reported, the discovery baffled researchers at first.

Surprising discovery: Researchers discover granite on the far side of the moon

“To tell the truth, we were a little confused when we found them: fortunately, my wife, Dr. Rita Economos, is a geochemist in the family, and with her help we were able to find out the possible geological cause of the thermal anomaly.” EurekaAlert Dr. Sealer.

According to Siegler and his team, the find is a subsurface granite deposit. “Granite is almost non-existent in the solar system outside Earth,” the researchers wrote in the abstract of their article about the discovery, which appears in the journal Nature. nature has been posted. The research team used data from the Chinese satellites Chang’e 1 and Chang’e 2 as well as NASA’s Lunar Prospector and Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter.

The satellite makes a mysterious discovery on the far side of the moon
Researchers have discovered granite on the far side of the moon. This type of rock is found almost exclusively on Earth. © Claudio DeVezia / ALIMDI.NET / IMAGO

The discovery of granite brings the Moon closer to Earth than previously thought

What makes the found granite formation even more remarkable is how the rock type is formed. “This discovery is a 50 km wide bathtub. Batholiths are a type of volcanic rock that forms when lava rises into the earth’s crust but does not erupt at the surface.” economus.

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On Earth, granite is formed with the help of water and plate tectonics. The fact that the type of rocks formed on the Moon even without these factors is of great interest to researchers. “It’s much more Earth-like than we ever imagined it would be on the Moon,” Siegler says. The discovery will be presented on July 12 at the prestigious Goldschmidt Conference to be held in Lyon. (s)