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The situation in northern Kosovo is back to normal

The situation in northern Kosovo is back to normal

Traffic at the two border crossings has returned unimpeded since Monday evening. However, the problems between Serbia and Kosovo that led to the escalation of the situation at the weekend remain unresolved.

The tense situation Calm calmed on Monday evening in northern Kosovo, which is mostly inhabited by Serbs. As reported by Tanjug news agency, the two border crossings into Serbia located there – Jarinci and Prncak – were reopened to traffic just before 8 pm.

The local Serbs had earlier removed the barriers erected on Sunday to prevent the application of Pristina’s latest border control measures. However, the Kosovo government decided during Monday night to postpone its implementation for a month.

Disputes about papers and number plates

The government of Prime Minister Albin Kurti decided at the end of June not to recognize Serbian identity documents at border crossings from August 1. Serbs with these papers must have a temporary document issued at the border. According to Kosovo’s interpretation, this is a measure based on reciprocity. Long ago, Kosovar citizens had to issue a temporary document when crossing the border into Serbia because the Kosovo papers were not recognized by the Serbian authorities. In addition, new rules should apply to car owners’ plate numbers.

According to Tanjug, about 1,000 temporary documents were issued to Serbs on Monday at the Mirdar border crossing, which is not in northern Kosovo. However, her exhibition stopped in the evening.

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