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The solar eclipse on October 25 is also visible in Vorarlberg, Austria.

The solar eclipse on October 25 is also visible in Vorarlberg, Austria.

October 25: partial solar eclipse of 41% (Qatar).

October 25: partial solar eclipse of 41% (Qatar).
© APA / Archive Photo

With a partial solar eclipse on October 25, the climax of this year’s astronomy year approaches.

Provided the weather is good, the entire eclipse can be seen across Austria, explained Alexander Pickard of the APA’s Vienna Astronomy Working Group (WAA). The sun will be 41 percent (Qatar) in the shade. This observation is worthwhile, because it is the last solar eclipse in Austria until March 29, 2025.

Seen all over Europe

In the new moon, the moon is close to the sun as seen from the earth. On average, twice a year, the Earth’s satellite covers the disk of the Sun at least partially and a solar eclipse occurs. However, this cannot be seen everywhere on earth. The next solar eclipse can be observed from almost all parts of Europe, it is partial everywhere and annular or total anywhere in the world.

Maximum blackout at 12:12 p.m.

In Vorarlberg, the partial solar eclipse begins at 11:14 am. The moon comes from the top right and moves to the bottom left. Maximum coverage is reached at 12:12 PM. The surface of the Sun is then eclipsed by about 30 percent, measured by 41 percent in diameter. At 1:12 p.m., the sky scene ended about two hours later. The exact times and degree of eclipse vary slightly within Austria.

Important: protect your eyes!

Darkness can only be observed with proper protection. With the naked eye, you need eclipse glasses or solar filter chips, which are available in specialized astronomy stores. Piccard warns against using “home remedies” like rescue blankets, soot glasses, CDs or the like. If you want to observe with binoculars or telescope, a solar filter film should be used in front of the telescope aperture.

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