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The Syria agreement is a “turning point”: America and Russia praise cooperation

The Syria agreement is a “turning point”: America and Russia praise cooperation

Representatives of the United States and Russia hailed the agreement to assist Syria in the United Nations Security Council as an important sign of cooperation between the two countries. Russia’s ambassador to the United Nations, Vasily Nepensya, said in New York that Friday’s settlement in the most powerful body of the United Nations could be a “turning point” for relations between the two countries.

“I certainly see it as an important moment in our relationship,” said US Ambassador Linda Thomas Greenfield. “It shows what we can achieve with the Russians if we work with them diplomatically on common goals.” She looks forward to continuing to work with Moscow on issues of mutual interest.

Following a US-Russian agreement, the Security Council had earlier unanimously decided that the United Nations may continue to provide relief supplies to Syrian opposition areas through a border crossing into Turkey. The new resolution is valid for one year. As an ally of the Syrian government, Russia has previously indicated that it will also close the last of four former border crossings to such UN aid. At that time, UN goods could only pass through the Syrian government.

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