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The takeover of the new Marvel’s Avengers event for the Red Room begins today

Square Enix is ​​proud to announce that Marvel’s Avengers Takeover of the Red Room is now live. Introduced for the first time in SQUARE ENIX PRESENTS, the new single-player event is about a mysterious spy who breaks into the Avengers’ HARM room and turns it into a deadly purple trap. The “Seize the Red Chamber” event continues until May 31.

The “Seizure of Red Space” begins less than two weeks after the start of the investigation into “the Ruskaya Protocols,” a mysterious program that penetrated AIM synthetic materials. Hacked AIM protocol chips may be the key to solving the puzzle, but whoever or whoever is responsible for “Rooskaya Protocols” has also tampered with Avengers’ HARM room. Now players have to find coded messages to Black Widow from an old friend who seized the HARM room and turned the training facility into a deadly trap. Threats are no longer virtual: Players must withstand the deadly attack and take back control of the HARM room.

Anyone who completes any of the superhero missions in the event will receive valuable in-game resources as a reward, as well as a special animated logo name tag that all heroes can use.

About Marvel’s Avengers
Marvel’s Avengers offers a truly eclectic experience, combining the “Merge” solo story campaign with the Warzone missions of the Avengers’ ongoing initiative, as well as the missions of the Avengers around the world and beyond. Each mission in the “merge” campaign presents the unique abilities of one or more heroes, while the Avengers Initiative missions are individualized with their own AI team or with a group of up to four players.1 You can compete with her – with any champion from your team.

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Marvel’s Avengers story is constantly expanding – there are new stories with new heroes, villains, mission types, regions, things, and more, and it’s always free for all players who own the base game, such as the recently released Operations game “Kate Bishop – AIM in Sight” and “Hawkeye – Future” Imperfect “. These stories push the entire Marvel’s Avengers plot forward in a multi-year arc, and all new missions are available to all playable heroes.

Marvel’s Avengers is currently available for PlayStation 5, PlayStation 4 and Xbox Series X | S, Xbox One, PC, and Stadia are USK rated for 12 years.

1Internet access is required. Online multiplayer requirements apply for the respective platform.

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Andrei Witch

The crazy guy on the team can / should experience everything to come, even if it’s Barbie’s great adventure on a horse (which he’ll also love to test). If he had been born earlier, the humor would have been in the Monty Python movie. Plus, as a true Bavarian, he never considers anything cold a drink.