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The thief of the golden toilet has revealed himself: the mystery of the artwork has been solved

The thief of the golden toilet has revealed himself: the mystery of the artwork has been solved

Shane. James Sheen. This is the name of the man who admitted to stealing a statue of Maurizio Cattelan made of solid gold in 2019.

The most expensive beach towels are also available: We have more wealth in the Middle East, this is the case in Mann Names James Sheen Schuldig Bekannt, with the massive Gold Gefertigte Toilet with the “America” Title 2019 at Blenheim Palace, at Winston Geburtsort Churchills, come here to have. The value of the piece, a sculpture by Maurizio Cattelan, known for his provocations, is estimated at approximately 4.8 million pounds sterling (about 5.6 million euros).

Sheen, who is currently serving time for other robberies, was charged with robbery and conspiracy with other people – although the other people did not plead guilty, according to media reports. In addition to the theft itself, people must also be held liable for damage to the structure of the historic building. The toilet was planned by Cattelan as a fully functional object and was connected to the sewage system – its rupture would have caused a flood.

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