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The trend in Germany: the AfD is ahead of the Social Democrats in the poll

The trend in Germany: the AfD is ahead of the Social Democrats in the poll

Status: 06/23/2023 00:01

The AfD continues to poll high: at 19 percent, it is loudly cracking down Direction ARD Germany The Social Democratic Party is in third place. The majority of respondents think it is good for parties to come together to block AfD candidates.

If there are federal elections next Sunday, according to the results of the current poll Germany For this ARD Morning Journal The strongest faction. She can maintain her result from three weeks ago at 29 percent. The AfD has improved again and, by 19 percent, will reach the highest value ever set for this party in the direction of ARD Germany (+1 compared to June 1, 2023).

The Social Democrats will be pushed into third place by the AfD and will receive 17 percent of the vote (-1). Bündnis 90 / Die Grünen will again reach 15 percent, for FDP it will drop again to six percent (-1) after better approval ratings recently. Four percent of the electorate would vote for the Left Party – and that would not be enough to get a seat in the Bundestag.

the majority l merger against AfD candidates

In order to prevent the AfD’s candidates in the run-off elections for mayor or district offices, other parties have recently met more frequently and issued a recommendation to the candidate’s opponents. About every second citizen (52 percent) considers this action correct. More than a third of those surveyed (35 per cent) in the current DeutschlandTrend’s ARD Morning Journal He thinks this is wrong. 13 percent do not want or cannot express themselves.

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The coalition against the election of AfD candidates has the support of supporters of all parties except the AfD. However, in the new federal states, the number of votes critical of Solidarity against AfD candidates is 40 percent higher than in the old federal states. 47 percent consider this approach correct.

Nationally, there is a slight increase among 35- to 49-year-olds from 45 to 44 percent for those who see party cooperation against AfD candidates decisively. People over the age of 65 have the most approval of this move (58 to 31 percent).

The car is the most popular mode of transportation for summer vacations

For millions of Germans, the car remains the most popular mode of transportation for the upcoming summer holidays. 41 percent of those surveyed rely on a car to start their summer vacation. 17 percent plan to fly and seven percent use the train. Other means of transportation are of little importance.

Many stay at home

However, three in ten Germans (29 per cent) will not go on holiday this year. Your financial situation is the biggest hurdle. In particular, people with a low family income of less than 1,500 euros per month want to stay at home this summer (57 percent). In the case of senior citizens over 65, every second person wants to give up a summer vacation trip (49 percent).

investigation facility

being: Eligible voters in Germany
combination method: Random telephone and online questionnaire
Scan period: From 20 to 21 June 2023
Number of cases: 1191 respondents (699 telephone interviews and 492 online interviews)
weighting: According to socio-demographic characteristics and memory of electoral behavior; Sunday question with separate weighting
Volatility range: 2 percentage points for the stock value of 10 percent
3 percentage points for the stock value of 50 percent
Implementing institute: Invertice Dimap

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Results are rounded to whole percentages to avoid false predictions of accuracy. Because for all representative surveys, volatility ranges must be taken into account. In the case of a poll of 1,000 respondents, that figure is about three percentage points for large parties and one point for small parties. In addition, the rounding error is important for small parties. For these reasons, no party showed less than three percent in Sunday’s question.