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The truth about their illness

The truth about their illness

Boh! Sylvia Woolley, 56, has now revealed stark and disgusting details about her participation in the “Reality Star Fight”!

Sylvia Woolney: Terrifying Confession of “Reality Stars Fight”

Finally TV trash again: For a few weeks now, RTLZWEI has finally shown the second season of “Kampf der Realitystars” — and the cast could hardly be better this year. A total of 25 celebrities, including Claudia Obert, Andre Mangold, Chris Broy, Gina Lisa Lohvink, Narumol, Mike Heiter and Sylvia Woolney, take on the fray. 50,000 euros and the title of “Reality Star 2021”.

But fans of “Reality Fight Stars” will have to wait a little longer for Sylvia Woolney to move on. Weeks ago, it became known that the mother of the extended family in Thailand had otitis media, and therefore she is first Treated in the clinic You have to be before you can move into the lounge.

You can read more about Silvia Wollny here:

Sylvia Woolney: The real cause of your injury

It’s all nonsense, as Sylvia Woolney has now revealed! In an Instagram video, the famous TV star revealed that she had revealed her injury Disgusting details. According to the 56-year-old, she did not contract otitis media before moving to live, but in the “fighting stars of reality” prayer – in the pool:

I only came later because I was also in quarantine for 16 days, so I got straight out of quarantine. I didn’t show up later because I had otitis media. number! I got an infection in my ear, a bacterial ear infection, right in the lounge, after I went to the pool. A lot of people used the pool, so people walking around there were also, Since I also emptied her urine, Because she didn’t want to go up the 52nd stairs to the toilet,

So the serious accusation of Woolney Mama.

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Sylvia Woolney is still battling the consequences of infection

Sylvia Woolney has not yet revealed her identity, but indicated that during the broadcast it could be shown who the said lady is: “It was introduced to us like that, after which the pool was no longer used by some people, and that’s me.”

To this day, Sylvia has struggled with the consequences of the infection, she says, visibly angry: “I was there once and I got this bacterial infection right away, Which I still struggle with today. You may see this knob right here on your ear. I went to the doctor twice with him in Thailand, because of the wrong treatment, and now I have my own mess there.”

Boh! Under these circumstances, everyone should understand that Sylvia Woolney is still pissed off about unwanted otitis media. who wouldn’t be

“Kampf der Realitystars” runs every Wednesday at 8:15 p.m. on RTLZWEI and four days ago TVNOW.