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The Vatican's financial regulatory body publishes its 2023 annual report – Vatican News

The Vatican's financial regulatory body publishes its 2023 annual report – Vatican News

The Vatican's Financial Supervision Authority (ASIF) submitted its 2023 annual report on Monday. Accordingly, the Authority is increasingly adapting to international standards, for example, with regard to combating money laundering and the financing of terrorism. There were 123 suspicious events reported in 2023, 118 of which were reported by the Vatican Bank IOR.

ASIF reported to the Vatican's prosecutor's office in 11 cases, compared to 19 cases the previous year. In only one case did the supervisory authority order the suspension of financial transactions; Last year this happened five more times. These numbers speak of stability in terms of transparency and security. Consequently Annual Report of the Vatican Financial Supervision Authority for 2023 It also concluded cooperation agreements with nine other countries: Algeria, Azerbaijan, Bahamas, Curacao, Lebanon, Senegal, Mauritius, Nepal, and Zambia. To date, ASIF has concluded a total of 76 such agreements over 14 years. The Vatican's financial audit body conducted 22 inquiries in this context in 2023 and received ten of them.

International cooperation – also with Germany

The annual report also provides information on additional training and exchange programmes; Representatives of the Vatican's financial supervisory authority were at Deutsche Bundesbank University in April 2023 and participated in the ESE conference organized by the German Bundesbank in Berlin in October.

(Vatican News)