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The videos are said to show photos of Putin's luxury estate on Lake Ladoga

The videos are said to show photos of Putin's luxury estate on Lake Ladoga

Three modern houses, several helicopter landing pads, a cowshed – and a waterfall: Kremlin critic Khodorkovsky's research platform releases drone footage of the Russian president's estate near the border with Finland.

“Putin’s secret headquarters in Karelia” is the title of a video from the “Dossier Center” research platform run by Kremlin critic and former head of the Russian oil company Yukos, Mikhail Khodorkovsky. It is supposed to show pictures of the private villa of Russian President Vladimir Putin on Lake Ladoga, a few kilometers from the Finnish border in the Karelia region.

The approximately 1 square kilometer property is located in the middle of a national park, including surrounding forests and bays, and the fenced area is four square kilometres. Therefore, it is larger than the first area, with an area of ​​2.88 square kilometers.

Construction of the estate of three modern homes began more than ten years ago. Wealthy businessmen participated in Putin's orbit. The Russian President stays at his residence in western Russia at least once a year when he visits the Valaam Orthodox Monastery on an island in Lake Ladoga, according to what the “Dosier Center” mentioned in a video on YouTube.

Anti-aircraft system?

On site there are two helipads, several yacht piers, a trout farm and a cow farm. There is also a four-meter high waterfall on the site. It used to be part of the national park, but public access is no longer possible.

Journalists at the research platform also speculate that Putin also installed an anti-aircraft system on the property. This could be under a grass-covered hill near one of the villas. (I)

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