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The World Synod calls for significant decentralization of the Church

The World Synod calls for significant decentralization of the Church

Vatican City, October 26, 2024 (KAP) The Universal Synod has called for an expansion of the scope of local decisions in the Catholic Church. In a document adopted on Saturday, the Vatican Councils called for respect for decisions taken by individual countries and continents. The text states that the current procedure for recognizing decisions of local church councils must be reformed.

In the future, the Roman seal of approval should continue to be required only for questions of a doctrinal, moral-theological, or sacramental nature. In all other cases, tacit consent from Rome can be assumed.

Respect local diversity

The association cites the necessary respect for diversity as a reason for this. The document states that the Christian message cannot be reduced to individual theological, liturgical, pastoral or disciplinary forms.

In detail, the request concerns so-called special councils, where local churches in a country or region of the world discuss theological issues or church policy. Until now, the decisions issued by these meetings must be “approved” by the Vatican. Only then will these decisions come into effect in the region concerned. Until now, the Vatican authorities can take an unlimited amount of time before responding to such decisions. The Universal Synod is now calling for a deadline under canon law for the Vatican review. If the deadline is exceeded, the decision will enter into force immediately.

More participation of the laity in the election of bishops is required

Moreover, the World Council called for the participation of the laity in selecting new bishops. The Synod Assembly hopes that the People of God will have a greater role in electing bishops, according to the final document of the World Assembly that it adopted on Saturday.

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