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There was jazz and grooving at Remise – Vorarlberger Nachrichten

There was jazz and grooving at Remise – Vorarlberger Nachrichten

Bludens “The Jazz Festival and the Grove of Bludens have turned into one of the best music venues in Vorarlberg for the weekend,” said the city councilman for culture. Sink Dogan After a successful weekend of events, seven top-notch formations of jazz, blues and funk can be experienced in the Alpine city over three days. On Thursday evening, three bars opened in the old town of Bludens Viola S Pfefferkorn and Michael Es, Meet Moscone Brendan Adams and Os & The Sexual Chocolates. All three sites were occupied to the last place. Heavy rain in the evening did not detract from the exuberant mood.

It was Friday evening at Remise Hall going around the groove. Negronis made jazz lovers’ hearts beat faster from the start. The highlight of the evening was a performance Rafael Worsnig The Soul Gifts Squad. With the front woman in a strong voice Giselle Jackson Rafael, Resnig, his band, and Hammond’s B-3 member provided a first-class sound. The second day of the Jazz and Groves Festival ended with many encounters and applause.

Visitors were able to experience the true grandeur of the German jazz scene on Saturday. Jeff Cascaro In his performance, he skillfully switches between classic jazz pieces and blues/blues rhythm numbers. Despite this, his tracks were played very easily. He knows how to combine the occasional swing with the rough ground of the blues. But it also became spiritual. As a local hero, La Risa won over the audience with great songs and personal poems.

Musicians organized the fifth edition of the Jazz and Groves Festival Lucas Morey And Sebastian Lorenz.

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