| Tobias Seyfried
| 06.09.2023
Leaders Net. TV I asked the guests what you had to do to be invited to the world premiere of “Kurz-der Film”. Even the former chancellor and several of his comrades did not miss the premiere of his documentary.
On Wednesday evening, the first film about former chancellor Sebastian Kurz premiered in 35 Austrian cinemas. The tape titled “Short – the film” made a lot of noise in advance. On the one hand, it hits cinemas shortly before the release of the second film about Sebastian Kurz (“The Ballhausplatz Project”), which, among other things, deals quite critically with the assumption of power within the ÖVP, and on the other hand, it is not It’s pretty clear who funded the movie. Plus, some of the heroes feel like they were put in place by the producer (Michael Reich). He rejects claims by interviewees such as former chancellor Christian Kern (SPÖ), Neuss MP Stefanie Kreisber or journalist Michael Nikbakhsh, that they were given too little or wrong information beforehand.
Big rush and media hype
In any case, the discussion did not dampen interest. On the contrary, at the premiere there was a real rush and a lot of media hype. Sebastian Curtis walked the red carpet with his partner, Suzanne Thier. Shortly before the start of the film, he sat in the cinema next to former chancellor Wolfgang Schuessel. Former National Council President Andreas Kohl was only a few seats away. With Caroline Idtstedler, the current federal minister from the ranks of the ÖVP, was also present.
And it was not surprising that the former Minister Elisabeth Koestinger and the former Minister Gernot Plumel did not miss the premiere. After all, they have their say in the movie and are now working under the same roof with Curtis again (Leadersnet mentioned). Plumel was also accompanied by the newly married Clivia (Treadle). Other first guests include Ralph Wolfgang Luther, Paul Leittemnüller, Thomas Brantner, Sascha Kollnerreitner, felix Oswald, Clemens Trechler, Gerda Rogers, Lillian Zellner, Valentin Petrich, etc.
Sebastian Curtis made everyone dance with his movie! from Leaders Net TV on com. vimeo.
A short picture without sound bites
“Kurz – der Film” is a co-production between Austrian production company Pongo Film and Opus-R from Germany. Directed by Sascha Kollnerreitner. The documentary wants to take the viewer on a journey through time. Critical votes or analyzes are almost non-existent. It begins with a drive to Vienna Airport, from where Kors departs for New York. He praises his boss, tech billionaire Peter Thiel, and his software security startup in Tel Aviv. Then follows a difficult cut and shows the political career of the former ÖVP chancellor – until the resignation of Sebastian Kurz.
Sensitive topics such as the commission of inquiry or the WKStA trial do not appear in the film. The same applies to politicians currently active in the People’s Party. The issue of chat is also only briefly covered. His comrades are like a spokesman for the former chancellor John Frischmann, a public relations specialist gerald Fleischmann, On the other hand, former Vice-Chancellor Michael Spindelegger, Wolfgang Powell or Gernot Blumel and Elisabeth Koestinger appear. Arnold Schwarzenegger also talks about Sebastian Curtis in the movie, giving a glimpse into Hollywood.
How are you invited?
Leaders Net. TV As part of the premiere, he asked what a person had to do in order to be invited to the premiere of “Kurz – der Film”. You can see how the interviewees answered the question in our video.
You can see who made it to the premiere for everyone in our galleries here and here (coming soon).
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