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These five traits are actually toxic!

These five traits are actually toxic!

The basics in brief

  • Toxic behavior often involves lying and manipulation.

  • If you have people with toxic behavior in your environment, urgently seek a conversation or move away.

  • Under certain circumstances, toxic behavior can also be a sign of narcissism.

toxic behaviour? It is not always immediately recognizable, even if we think we see through manipulation right away. These characteristics seem positive at first glance, but in reality they are very problematic.

In the clip: You can identify toxic people and relationships with these five signs

5 really toxic properties

Do you have people around you who always speak their opinions radically, who seem to be quite emotional, or whom you respect for their unwavering self-confidence? Many of us are looking for just such characters – or at least they make a lasting impression on us. It is not infrequent that we wish we had more of it. But be warned: toxic behavior can hide behind this initially positive trait.

People who are prone to toxic behavior or even acting narcissistic can make your life very difficult in the long run. They pull those around them down and emit a lot of negative energy. However, because their strategy is so complex and they know (consciously or subconsciously) exactly what they need to do, sometimes we don’t realize it.

What exactly do we mean by such toxic behavior? Toxic people lie to others and themselves, are controlling and manipulative. Therefore, it is not always easy to see through. Behavior that is seen positively at first glance is particularly treacherous. Also, these people usually don’t change even when you deal with their challenging behavior. They only see their own benefit, and in order to truly change, the problem must be recognized and its cause identified.

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This is how you identify toxic people

The following behaviors are particularly typical of toxic behavior. Does any of this sound familiar to you? Do you have friends or does it even affect your partner? You can approach the person and try to talk to him about it. However, remember that it is not in your power to change others, nor is it your responsibility to solve the problem. The other person must want to change something himself and, under certain circumstances, even get professional support, because behavioral patterns are usually deeply rooted and there can be certain triggers for them.

These 7 Signs Tell It: How to Recognize Toxic People. Is your friendship toxic? Or is your boss a narcissist? These warning signs speak for themselves. Fear of losing can also be a cause of problem behavior. Typical symptoms of attachment anxiety and how to overcome them.

Direct and honest – or without empathy?

The person is direct and tells others what they think? Basically, it is good to be honest and everyone should dare to share personal thoughts and opinions with others. Just who and how is decisive. You can share with people who are close to you more than your acquaintances or colleagues at work. Especially when the situation is not really working out, for example, criticism or comments are conveyed in a very disrespectful manner. Even people who show no empathy or empathy act toxic and hurt other people’s feelings by crossing boundaries.

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Confident or arrogant?

There is nothing wrong with boosting self-confidence, quite the opposite. It will be beneficial for many of us to compromise on our successes more, to accept ourselves more and to know our strengths. Self-doubt has a negative impact on our self-image, and thus we need a certain level of self-confidence to be truly happy. However, what has nothing to do with self-confidence is arrogant behavior and arrogance. These people are often very self-absorbed and consider themselves to be something better. to caution!

Do you want to appear more confident in a healthy way? These seven tips will instantly give you more self-confidence. Maybe strength mode is just the thing for you.

Value-oriented or judgmental?

Representing your own values ​​and knowing what is important in life or what is important to you is basically a good thing. However, if this ends in intolerant and judgmental behavior, you must set clear boundaries for your peer and stand up for yourself. Certain beliefs can be discussed together and constructively, but no one is allowed to impose anything on others.

Perfectionist or controlling compulsion?

Being organized and organized makes life easier and can help a lot with staying on top of things. However, if perfectionism becomes a true compulsion to control, it is not only stressful for the person involved, but bad for everyone else. These people are often very inflexible and adapt little or not at all to the needs of others. Sometimes it even takes away the freedom of those around them to do the things they see fit.

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Emotional strength or pent-up feelings?

It is still so prevalent in our society that showing emotion is a sign of weakness – when in fact the opposite is true. Of course, this applies to all feelings, whether sadness, anger or joy. Sometimes it takes a lot of courage to open up about your feelings and share them with others, but it is necessary to do so. With people who have issues with this disease and who are “icy cold,” things build up over time and they can never come to terms with the past, give themselves space, or treat others fairly. This toxic behavior harms everyone involved!