Videos provided by the video platform “Austrian Press Agency” (APA).
A third-party provider in which to embed the live blogs of the “Austria Press Agency” (APA).
Live tape, data center and graphics for sporting events or elections provided by the Austrian Press Agency (APA).
Live tape, data center and graphics for sporting events or elections provided by “Deutsche Presse Agentur” (DPA).
Various user interface elements, such as scroll bars with editorial content, which are integrated into our website by third party provider “Elfsight”.
Facebook posts are included in our site.
Videos provided by Glomex video platform.
Article recommendations and links to articles generated by the third-party provider “iFramely” and included in articles.
Charts and infographics on various topics created through the third party “Infogram”.
Posts from Instagram are embedded in this site.
A third party provider that embeds live blogging for our editorial team.
Material recommendations based on the content of the material in which it is included, provided by the third party “Outbrain”.
Podcasts provided by the third party “Podigee”.
The third party survey tool “Pinpoll” whose content is controlled by our editorial team.
Charts, such as timeline charts.
Live data strip and data center for sporting events, mostly related to Vorarlberg and “Ländlekicker”.
Posts (tweets) from Twitter are included on this site.
Video recommendations are provided by a third party “Video Intelligence”.
Videos provided by the video platform “Vimeo”.
Videos provided by the YouTube video platform.
Other editorial content available through third parties.
“Travel aficionado. Certified problem solver. Pop culture guru. Typical writer. Entrepreneur. Coffee trailblazer.”
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