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This is how negative beliefs block your happiness and this is how you change it!

This is how negative beliefs block your happiness and this is how you change it!

The basics in brief

  • Beliefs are deep beliefs that influence how we see ourselves and the world around us.

  • Negative beliefs can unconsciously slow us down and block our personal happiness.

  • These beliefs must first be actively recognized and then transformed into something positive.

Beliefs affect the way you see the world. Negative beliefs can slow you down and hinder your happiness. We will tell you how to filter these thoughts and turn them into positive thoughts.

How do you recognize negative beliefs?

Your deeply rooted beliefs influence how you perceive yourself and those around you. You live by these beliefs so naturally that you are no longer consciously aware of them.

It becomes treacherous when you block yourself with negative beliefs. Because the pressure you put on yourself slows you down. Just like the negative image you paint of yourself.

Observe yourself in everyday life: do you often come across thoughts like “I have to…”, “I can’t…”, “I have to…”? Behind this may be a deeply held belief that is holding you back. Also ask yourself: “How do I evaluate myself?” or “What do I expect to happen?”

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vicious circle

Negative beliefs are like the nasty little whispers that pop into our heads at crucial moments: “You’re not good enough” or “You can’t do that.”

This affects not only our thoughts, but also our behavior. When you keep yourself small, you automatically appear less confident and willingly back down from more difficult challenges.

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The problem with this is that with this behavior we in turn confirm our negative beliefs. With another failure, more negative thoughts follow. And everything starts over.

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Why do you think that way?

Beliefs appear as facts. This is why we rarely question them. You must change that! In particular, the origin of your beliefs can be critical. Validate your recurring thoughts:

  • Why do I suppose this thought corresponds to the facts?
  • Am I associating a particular experience or feeling with this thought?
  • What evidence is there?

If you have identified a negative belief and suspect that belief may be getting in the way, take it one step further. For example, ask yourself:

  • Does this idea help me feel the way I want to feel?
  • Will this belief help me achieve my goals?

Turn negative beliefs into positive ones

Have you identified your negative beliefs? Now it’s up to you to turn it into something positive and powerful! Instead of driving with the handbrake on, you now want to move forward pressing the gas pedal.

You can now replace your negative beliefs with positive thoughts. When you find yourself in a situation like this, tell yourself “I am valuable”, “I can do this.”

Admittedly, this is sometimes easier said than done. For starters, it can help reframe your beliefs. For example, instead of saying, “I can’t do that,” say to yourself, “I can do that Still no”.

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Write down your new belief and repeat it to yourself over and over to really manifest it.

Treat yourself with love and talk to yourself as you would someone dear to you. This is how you actively support yourself in achieving your personal happiness.

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