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This is how upset he is with ‘Game of Thrones’

This is how upset he is with ‘Game of Thrones’

who – which Conclusion Obviously, “Game of Thrones” didn’t just hit angry fans. In a new book it becomes clear that even George RR Martin – the book’s author – was partially more than unhappy with the series.

Because early in season five, the series went in the wrong direction in his opinion.

George RR Martin on the development of ‘Game of Thrones’

Finding people who will celebrate the final season of Game of Thrones is as hard as finding people who haven’t heard of the saga before. fantasy series I heard. Because the last episodes of the series upset not only fans, but also critics. Most Frequent Criticism Points: Narrative threads were dealt with too quickly, end Some characters are illogical And they felt all season that they wanted it The series makers have come to the end.

The ending of one of the most successful series ever got a very bitter aftertaste. As it turns out now, not only fans and critics see it that way, but George RR Martin. He is responsible for the mold of the book “Game of Thrones” and was also in the early seasons Participate directly in this series.

But when Martin’s business ended after Season 5, series directors David Benioff and Dan B Weiss decided to… To continue working independently They continue to tell the story as they see fit. To annoy George R. R. Martin.

“You don’t follow my template”

In the new book “Tinderbox: HBO’s Ruthless Quest for New Frontiers” Martin’s agent Paul Haas reveals that the series, in his opinion, was going in the wrong direction. “George loves Dan and Dave, but after season 5 he started dating worry about the roadhit because of George knows where the story is headed. He began to say, “You don’t follow my template,” says the book.

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The series’ quick ending was a thorn in his side. That’s why George is said to have traveled to New York to meet the then-president of HBO.”They beg to do 10 seasons with 10 episodesBecause there was enough material for it.” Because George was sure there was “a A more satisfying and enjoyable experience Hass says. But no matter how hard the author’s work was, the creators of the series persisted. Ultimately, “Game of Thrones” ended after eight seasons and 73 episodes.

Does ‘Game of Thrones’ have a completely different ending?

The way you look, make way George’s vision also ends Away. Because in the book his agent confirms that the authors of the two series, contrary to some allegations They haven’t been told who saw George RR Martin on the Iron Throne. So it’s possible that the book – once published – will end with fan expectations after all.

It may take some time before Martin’s book is finished, because the author Been working on the sequel for several years. In the meantime, there will be a new Game of Thrones series starting in 2022.

In the form of a prequel series “Dragon House”Which sheds light on the history of the Targaryen family. It is also based on a book by Martin – but this time he must be actively involved and according to media reports in Ongoing exchange with series creator Ryan Condall stand up.