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This is how you can be healthy and stay that way

This is how you can be healthy and stay that way

Christoph Marek, Allianz Board Member, sums up this year’s Allianz Health Barometer results: “Austrians feel less healthy than they were before the pandemic.” Stress is putting increasing pressure on the population and public healthcare no longer fully meets their needs. “While in 2020, 72% of those surveyed felt healthy, around 63% are currently largely immune to health issues. “In order to counter this trend, we need an optimal offering of one-to-one and modern offerings. We don’t just start when complaints or illnesses appear, we take a comprehensive look at people’s health at an early stage. When it comes to health, the doctrine is also: promote, prevent and take a holistic approach. “says Marek.

Psychological health

In a representative Allianz survey, participants identified stress as a critical factor in loss of well-being and health. Indeed, 27 percent feel stressed often (2020: 20 percent), and women more than men. Only about half of those surveyed are satisfied with their work-life balance – in 2020 it was nearly two-thirds. 38 percent believe they may one day be affected by burnout (2020: 31 percent). This topic is particularly relevant for people aged 14 to 29: more than half of them already feel at risk. Important factors in this age group are time pressure and a perceived need to be available at all times. At the same time, awareness of the importance of taking care of our mental health and accepting suitable insurance offers has increased significantly in recent years. “Up to 80 percent of psychological problems start between the ages of 14 and 25. “It’s very important for us to help remove the stigma from this topic,” Marek says.

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Promote, provide and take a comprehensive approach.

Christoph Marek, Member of the Board of Directors of Allianz Austria

Christoph Marek, CEO of Allianz Austria

© Photo: Alliance

Fit for the future

Against this background, precaution is crucial. “Of course, it is important to get optimal care as quickly as possible in the event of illness. There are also services that help maintain health. Many services, such as “My Digital Doc,” are already included in individual health insurance packages, Marek explains. Allianz also offers comprehensive preventive screenings, ranging from medical genetic analysis to individual health plans with personalized recommendations to strengthen the immune system to concepts of nutrition, exercise and detoxification. Complementary telemedicine offers medical advice on a variety of health topics that can be easily accessed online. Around the clock. Marek: “Telemedicine, especially our doctor. Chat offers quick and uncomplicated advice from anywhere via WhatsApp, Telegram or web chat.

3000 pounds upon completion

Health insurance is one of the most popular products of Allianz Austria. And based on ÖGVS’s current customer rating, it also has the highest level of customer satisfaction. Allianz has been a partner of the jö Bonus Club since 2020 and jö members can collect Ö points, i.e. bonus jö points, when purchasing selected insurance products. If you take out health insurance with Allianz by December 30, 2023, customers will receive 3,000 EUR.