The basics in brief
Emotional manipulation is when someone pressures you using feelings and emotions.
Whether in a friendship, relationship, or family, emotional manipulation can happen in any type of relationship.
There are many signs of emotional manipulation and tips that you can use to protect yourself from emotional manipulators.
How we feel in a relationship has a huge impact on our confidence and well-being. Feelings of injustice, anxiety, or even fear that the other person’s needs will not be met can lead to emotional manipulation. Here you can find out what the warning signs are and how you can protect yourself.
This has probably happened to you before: You meet a friend, you make it happen, but then you feel drained and drained. Do you feel like she told you things that weren’t true? Or did you reveal information you really wanted to keep to yourself? Then you should think about your meeting again: could your girlfriend be manipulating you? These warning signs and tips will help you recognize emotional manipulation and protect yourself.
6 typical signs of emotional manipulation
Whether in a partnership, friendship, family, or even at work, emotional manipulation can occur in any personal relationship. If you have been insulted, lied to, or blackmailed by your counterpart, you must question your relationship. Because in the long run, emotional manipulation can lower our self-esteem and cast doubt on our sanity.
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Sign 1: False facts
Of course, not all of us want to be lied to, and it’s not always easy to spot a lie. However, if you feel like the other person is telling you things that never happened or denying things that actually happened, this could be a sign of emotional manipulation. Manipulators are good at lying. They often do not have a bad conscience when they lie. They want to change the perception of others, convince them of something and put themselves in the right light.
Our advice: If you think you are being lied to, question the stories smartly. If he’s struggling to explain, getting nervous, trying to justify himself or withdrawing, that indicates a lie.
In the clip: This is how you recognize liars based on their body language
Sign 2: Feeling sad
At first glance, emotional manipulators appear to be very outgoing, kind, and sociable. They try to develop empathy, compassion, and build (supposed) confidence to elicit their own vulnerabilities and secrets from others. However, if you notice that your counterpart is looking for certain information that you actually don’t want to reveal, back off: otherwise the manipulator may get you on his hands later.
Our advice: Be careful who you trust. Stand up for your needs and only tell what you really want to reveal. Don’t allow yourself to be blackmailed and walk away from the person if you feel manipulated.
In personal relationships we must take care that we are doing a good job ourselves. These tips will help you: How to recognize toxic friendships. That way you know someone is jealous of you. Do you suffer from fear of losing? Watch out for these ties with Red Flags. Is your girlfriend controlling you? This is how you can properly recognize jealousy and deal with it. Are you compatible Every couple should ask themselves these questions.
Signature 3: Attribution of guilt
Do you feel that you are never doing something right in the relationship or that you are to blame for all the problems and conflicts? Then you should take the observer’s point of view and try to reflect the situation impartially. Manipulative people don’t admit wrongdoing, deny themselves blame and lash out at small mistakes made by others. As a result, feelings of guilt and bad conscience develop among those affected. They want to make up for what (allegedly) happened – and the manipulator benefits from it.
Our adviceBe true to yourself and be aware of your emotional world. If the other person is playing the victim, ask him or her reflective questions such as, “What is the point of blaming me?” or “Is it fair to treat me this way because of a simple mistake?”
Sign 4: Disrespect
Respectful behavior must be demonstrated in a healthy relationship. Conditional statements, insults, and frustrated remarks reveal a lack of consideration for your own needs. So if you feel pressured by your counterpart to meet his or her expectations, otherwise there will be consequences, then manipulative behavior appears to be present.
Our advice: Try not to be threatened or pressured. Confront disrespect objectively and, at worst, break off contact. No one deserves to be abused by their loved ones for no reason.
Sign 5: Comparisons with others
Phrases like: “If my boyfriend had done it, it wouldn’t have happened!” or “My girlfriend could have solved this better than you!” It can put you and your behavior in a bad light. strangers or even doubt your safety. The manipulative person hopes that you will change yourself and your behavior.
Our advice: Insist on not comparing yourself because you are an individual and do not deserve to be hurt by comparisons. Set boundaries and stand up for yourself.
Sign 6: Magic over the top
If your counterpart often showers you with compliments before making a wish or request, a manipulative environment can be assumed. The exposed gesture hides selfish motives to influence you and gain an advantage for themselves.
Our advice: The good deeds and gestures of others should not be conditional. Question motives and don’t allow yourself to be blinded. If you feel like you’re being manipulated, don’t be afraid to say no.
Emotional manipulation: how to protect yourself from it
Emotional manipulation can have severe consequences and tear our nerves. If you feel that you are being treated emotionally poorly within a relationship, you should set boundaries early on. Here are some tips on how to protect yourself from emotional manipulators:
- Distance yourself as soon as you see signs of emotional manipulation. After all, you deserve the best!
- Don’t trust your counterpart too quickly and only reveal what you really want to reveal.
- He assumed the position of an observer and wondered about the situation: did the feelings come from you, or did they arise under someone else’s influence?
- Set your limits, which no one should cross, and be true to yourself.
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