Draconids are a blurry, faint stream of meteors – with impressive outliers. In 2023, the maximum will decrease in time.
FRANKFURT – The Dragons are a group of shooting stars that can hit hard. In 1933 and 1946, several thousand meteors per hour were observed, in 1985 and 1998 several hundred Draconid meteors per hour were counted, and in 2005 at least 40 meteors per hour were seen. Draconids are usually weak, somewhat inconspicuous meteor showers.
For 2023, a maximum of only ten meteors per hour can be expected under ideal conditions, the International Meteor Organization (IMO) has listed in its annual meteor shower calendar. The maximum for draconids is relatively good this year: it falls on October 9, a day when the moon is only a quarter illuminated and does not rise until after 1 a.m. This month’s full moon won’t occur until October 28 – and then a partial lunar eclipse can also be seen.
family name: | Draconids (Giacobiniaceae) |
He writes: | Shooting star stream |
Origin culprit: | 21B/Giacobini-Zinner |
activity: | October 6th to 10th |
Maximum: | October 9 |
Shooting stars per hour | 10 (in ideal conditions) |
Source: International Maritime Organization |
Draconic Stars: Where meteors shoot across the sky
This is ideal for observing the Draco shooting stars, because the constellation Draco, from the head of which meteors appear to stream, is already high in the northwest in the sky after sunset. It can be found above the constellation Ursa Major and to the left of the constellation Ursa Minor.
The Draconic star stream arises because Earth passes through a trail of dust every year in its orbit around the Sun, left behind in space by Comet 21P/Giacobini-Zinner. When dust grains penetrate the Earth’s atmosphere, amazing traces of light appear in the sky – meteors. Draconids (also called Giacobinids after their parent comet) are only active a few days a year. It can be seen from approximately October 6 to 10. They are slow, yellow and mostly faint meteors.
Draconic meteors: What tips you should keep in mind on shooting star night
If you want to observe the Draco meteors and other meteor streams that are active in the fall, you should look for an observing location that is as dark as possible and has the best possible all-around view of the sky. It is recommended to make yourself comfortable there using a lounge chair or blanket, as most meteors can be seen if you look straight up. You also need some patience when searching for meteorites. To prepare for cool fall temperatures, we still recommend wearing warm clothes and a warm drink.
Aids such as a telescope or binoculars are not necessary when observing meteors, and may be counterproductive: only those who can see the largest possible portion of the sky at the same time will be able to see many meteors. There are also other interesting things you can see in the sky in October. (unpaid bill)
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