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This is the case with Elton John

  • Elton John postpones his farewell tour
  • The reason for this is chronic hip problems
  • This is how it is with music

Fans of Elton John (74) are very concerned that the music superstar has recently canceled several of his shows. The reason for this is major groin problems since the fall of summer, which remains a problem for Elton.

Elton John suffers from major hip problems

As part of canceling his concert, Elton John announced: “At the end of my summer vacation, I awkwardly fell on a hard surface and I’ve been in excruciating pain ever since […] in my hips.” Despite extensive physical therapy and specialist treatment, the pain has worsened and now leads to more and more difficulty moving.

recently was Elton John, who has changed a lot over the years, is a guest on the British talk show “Lauren”, where he spoke with Charlie Puth (29) about their song “After All”. There he was also asked about his decision to postpone parts of his tour.

The pop star said:I won’t be 100 percent fit – I won’t be 100 percent safe because I’m in pain most of the time […]. I can’t move sideways, and I can’t get in and out of the car.”

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He doesn’t know if his hip can withstand the last year and a half of his tour. “most likely notAnd he admitted it, which is why he decided to have surgery.

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However, the 74-year-old is confident of his recovery: “I’ll make up for you and I’ll be in much better shape.”, the Brit prepares for his anxious audience.