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This is what happens when an asteroid hits Vienna

This is what happens when an asteroid hits Vienna

Have you ever wondered what happens when a asteroid you have hometown He hits? using the online toolasteroid bombersBy developer Neal Agarwal, this can now be easily calculated.

In the Agarwal calculator, the Size, speed and steering angle from the asteroid, as well Material orb. The simulation takes into account asteroids made of iron, rock, carbon, ice, and even pure gold.

Size is what matters

In the event of a collision in the center of the Vienna, it will be approx 40 metres uncomfortable. Although the rocky asteroid would still explode 12 kilometers above Vienna, it would still generate energy comparable to an explosion 3 megatons of TNT released.

This leads to a fireball One kilometer in diameter. People will suffer third-degree burns all over the city of Vienna, and within a radius of 12 kilometers, trees will start to burn. Even in Pressbaum, second-degree burns are likely. It is estimated that more than 160,000 people will die.

A crater 90 meters from the asteroid

But if the asteroid reaches Earth – it is now 90 meters in diameter – it will be A hole about the size of an inner city. The shock wave alone would destroy most buildings in Vienna. However, do not worry: such an effect occurs on Earth every 2000 years Before.

Iron asteroid size 500 metres And an impact angle of 45 degrees, a crater 10 kilometers wide and 500 meters deep will form in Vienna. in Wiener Neustadt and St. Polten It will start to burn clothes Amstetten They may suffer second-degree burns. lonliness Earthquake It would collapse homes as far away as Graz. a Earthquake From size 5 it still causes in Salzburg or Klagenfurt ruin.

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The DART mission is testing asteroid defenses

In order not to be at the mercy of such asteroids, there is the DART program of NASA and the European Space Agency. During the mission at the end of September, an investigation hit The asteroid Dimorphos is large, 180 meters wide And managed to divert it to a minimum in its orbit around a second asteroid.

In the future, asteroids could also deflect in this way collision course will be with the earth. Provided that it is discovered early enough.