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This is what the App Store should look like soon

This is what the App Store should look like soon

Until now, the Android app store has been very colorful – and sometimes questionable. That must change. This is what the Google Play Store should look like in the future.

Free, top-a program Or “# 1”: Users make promises, but often fail to fulfill them. This is part of everyday life in many app stores. Full promises or misleading names are true and cheap for many providers, and the main thing is to install their apps as much as possible.

So that you can rely more on search results and listings on Play Store in the future The Google Announce new rules for Android app names and logos. It should become clearer and easier to understand. Overview:

  • Maximum length: In the future, app titles may not exceed 30 characters in length.
  • Specific information: In the name, the logo as well as in the developer name, any information about the download rank or whether or not the app is free may not appear. This means that designations such as “Free Travel Planner” or “NoAdsTravelCompany” are banned in the future, the Android developers write.
  • Requests and direct actions: Direct requests like “Download Now” or “Update Now” as well as sales campaigns should also be taboo.
  • Emoji and Characters: Emoji in or on app and developer names, as well as exclamation marks – or other punctuation marks that don’t belong to them should be blocked.
  • Application Logo: The new rules also apply to small images next to titles and developers. The bands or banners above the logo – such as ‘Sale’ or ‘Update Now’ are no longer allowed.
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Want a little less?  There should be new rules for the Play Store.  (Source: a little less? There should be new rules for the Play Store. (Source:

For app developers, the changes will take effect in the second half of 2021. When Google wants to report them soon.

Anyone, as a provider, who does not want to risk being kicked out of the Play Store using their app or even not accepting it in the first place, should adhere to the new rules. For consumers, this means above all: the App Store may seem more sobriety – but it also means they are more protected.