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This secret code now brings you Shiny Piepi • JPGAMES.DE

This secret code now brings you Shiny Piepi • JPGAMES.DE

Pokemon tournaments aplenty this year! Do you have yourselves? Dark Pokemon Zobiris and the Muscle building pokemon ulangar for Pokemon sword and shield pick up? Both rely on tournament-winning Pokémon. There is now the next secret code, this time also limited in time. So hurry up!

On the occasion of the championship in Asia, a piepi game will be distributed, which is even more impressive this time! It is based on the hero of 2021: Jirawiwat Thitaisiri. Distribution ends on June 19, 2022 at 5:59 PM. Here is the code:


You can redeem the code via the Mysterious Gift feature (by serial code). Don’t forget to save afterwards! Then there’s Shiny Piepi, which has Spotlight, Ice Storm, Right Hand, and Shield moves. It’s level 50 and carries the item Evolite.

The Pokémon Company Leaves Tournament Winners He often gets this honor. In the past, the Pokémon Company For example, Porygon-Z . is distributed, which Jeong Sang-yoon once used in his success in the tournament. Of course, there is a possibility that the Pokemon may not be useful to you. But if you don’t have it yet, you’ll be happy to introduce a new Pokédex.

Artwork: Pokemon Sword, Pokemon Shield, Nintendo, Pokemon CompanyFreak game

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