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This super bubble in space baffles NASA

This super bubble in space baffles NASA

© NASA, ESA, V. Ksoll, D. Gouliermis (Uni Heidelberg), et al; Processing: Gladys Cooper (NASA/Catholic University of America)

recordings Hubble Space Telescope It shows a nebula filled with glowing hydrogen gas, dark lanes of dust and stars of all ages. What is striking about this complex structure with the designation N44 is the star-rich dark gap, which NASA calls “Superplacereferred to as.

The nebula is located in a nearby galaxy,Large Magellanic Cloud“, Approximately 170,000 light years away from the earth.

unknown origin

According to NASA Scientists are trying to discover how the 250 light-years-wide super bubble appeared. Agency employees write: “Their existence remains a mystery.”

There are currently 2 leading hypotheses. One of them is that giant stars use gas stellar wind Blown. However, the wind speeds measured there do not support this thesis.

Another possibility is that Supernova, i.e. an explosion of a dying star, caused this gaseous cavity. This would be supported by evidence of at least one supernova remnant near the bubble.

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According to astronomers, it lies between the stars inside the superbubble and at the edge of the superbubble 5 million years. This age difference indicates “multiple star-like interactions.” So the region in the superbubble that appears in thick blue in the lower right is the . region intense star formation.

Incandescent gas from one N44 emission nebel. This is a kind of gas cloud, the particles of which are affected by the radiation of stars. The gas emits light energy as it cools, creating a glowing effect.

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