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Thomas Gottschalk: Curious “Whitten, Das…?”  Congratulations on your pregnancy, Helen

Thomas Gottschalk: Curious “Whitten, Das…?” Congratulations on your pregnancy, Helen

Updated Oct 8, 2021, 8:40 a.m.

  • Thomas Gottschalk and Helen Fisher have been seen together on many shows.
  • Now the artist has congratulated the pop singer on her pregnancy.
  • Could the two soon return to “Whitten, Das..?” Meet on ZDF?

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Will the giants meet on TV on November 6? The legend of the artist Thomas Gottschalk Congratulation Helen Fisher In an interview with “picture”Newspaper about her pregnancy and hopes to see her in the revival program “Wetten, dass..?”.

“I hope Helen takes hers Pregnancy Not a reason to say “Whitten, Das..?” Not entirely cynical, Gottschalk said. “But she knows me well enough to be sure: She defines what we’re talking about,” the TV legend continued.

Fischer confirmed the previous last Sunday Rumors spread in the media: “We’ve been thrilled about it for a long time and I’m doing a great job.” You can proudly say: “I am looking forward to the time that awaits me.”

Saturday 1 Stephen Rapp Show with Helen Fisher in November

It’s already confirmed that Helen Fisher will be on Saturday 1 November 12th. On the show “Helen Fischer – A Sugar Evening” designed by Stefan Raab as Music Supervisor Fisher will present songs from her new work. The album “Rausch” will be released on October 15.

On October 16, a day after its release, it appears ZDF 9:45 pm The musical film “Fi Soukr Al Senses” by British director Russell Thomas. However, the mandatory Christmas presented by Helen Fisher will not be shown on ZDF this year, as in 2020.

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In her last Instagram post, she announced that her shows will definitely take place in 2022: “All the parties planned for next year can take place by my side.” She is “infinitely” happy when she sings live to her audience again. The “Only German Concert in 2022” so far will take place on August 20 at the Trade Fair Center in Munich.

Read also: Helen Fisher is pregnant: Oliver Bucher stands by her – ‘Different from the ‘real’ stars

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