Washington / Vienna. Under US President Joe Biden, Austrian President Sebastian Kurz is having a difficult time in the United...
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Democrats in the U.S. Senate have proposed a $ 1 billion community package. The budget resolution provides for about $...
Institute of Agricultural Chemistry and Pharmaceuticals Bayer Is the third of his American appeals Because of the herbicide glyphosate carries...
Michigan (dpa -AFX) - The U.S. consumer climate in August was surprisingly and significantly cloudy. The index for consumer sentiment...
President Annalena Fairbanks' Green Candidate calls for a coalition of those who want to join Build: A.P. Germany should take...
13.08.2021 17:28 (Act. 13.08.2021 17:28) The U.S. government has imposed further sanctions to suppress recent popular protests in Cuba. The...
US Secretary of State Anthony Blingen criticizes Polish media law. A year ago, the United States and Poland wanted to...
The situation on the border between United States And Mexico Continues to intensify. About 213,000 people were caught trying to...
The Belarusian government is demanding that it reduce its workforce in Belarus by five by September 1. The government in...
Quote from SoSueMeEven in the beginning, when continental championships like the European Championship, Copa America and Gold Cup weigh almost...