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Transgender in the United States: Transman wins years of legal battle over use of school toilets

Transgender in the United States: Transman wins years of legal battle over use of school toilets

For seven years, Gavin Grimm has been taking action in US courts, as a trans man, he did not use the men’s toilet at his school in the state. Virginia Can be used. There, at Clochester High School, there was one As a 15-year-old at the time, he was not allowed to use the men’s roomBecause she was biologically born a woman. Now the Supreme Court has rejected the appeal – and Grimm has granted the right to use it.

A federal appeals court had already ruled in Grimm’s case last year and found that his school had violated anti-discrimination laws by banning them. But the Virginia School Board wanted a dated verdict Supreme Court Leave it at the tip. The agency justified the application to the highest U.S. court, saying the case “raises questions of national importance” regarding the gender of the school toilets.

“I am pleased with my many years of struggle to make sure my school sees me for who I am,” Grim, now 22, said after the conclusion. “We won,” Grim wrote on Twitter. He became “proud” as part of this success.

Grim was legally represented by the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) in this case. The organization said federal law protects transgender people from discrimination. However, an earlier appeals court ruling that Grim was right did not set a precedent for further transgender cases, Reuters reported.

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