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Triestingtal – Your Song for Lower Austria: Philipp Greisler in the Final

Triestingtal – Your Song for Lower Austria: Philipp Greisler in the Final

12 out of 132 singer-songwriters scored: they are in the final round of the “Your Song for Lower Austria” competition, organized by Kultur.Region.Niederösterreich.

Triestingtal’s Philip Gressler also qualified for the final – the final event will take place on November 9 at the ORF State Studio in St. Polten in front of a select audience.

He is happy: “Your song for Lower Austria is a great competition for Kultur.Region.Niederösterreich with great musicians who have creatively applied their connection to their homeland and much more. I am very proud of reaching the finals in Sankt Pölten on November 9 with my song “Vision”, among 132 Co-Engstler, Astrid Wertenberger von den Cerne, producer husband Wolfgang and Ulrik Lindner, producer and musician Markus Weiss., Michael Linspur of the state cultural division, musician and arranger Martin Ruthender, musician and bandleader Peter Bukowicz, musician Eric Mayer and musician and composer Bernd Wagner – it didn’t make it easy on himself.

In the end, the “Top 12” singer-songwriters who made it to the final were chosen: Gott Feeling, Leona Fichtinger, Christian Fichtinger, Stefan Gosinger, Roman Besser, Philip Gressler, Bernard Fleisner and Andy Schurge as well as Arthur Lauper, Simon Mack, Daniel Mack, George “Schuurge” Neumann, Marty Bee, David Blabensteiner, Vicki Weiss, Dai Wilden Kaiser and Lena Zottle.

The last song was recently released recently

Philip Gressler recently released his new single “Ka Land insicht”.

As the title suggests, Griessler doesn’t utter the words (“because I can’t easily shut up”) when addressing issues such as the environment, social affairs, or integration. Strong arrangement by producer Erwin Bader focused on content. At the age of 15 he started writing songs in German. With three albums to date, he won the hearts of his fans and the playlists of local radio stations.

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In dialect, he translates his perceptions, thoughts and feelings into wonderful linguistic images. Attention and humility are important to him. In addition to music, Griessler is engaged in youth and social work.

€1,000 (3rd place), €2,000 (2nd place) and €3,000 (1st place) awaits the first three winners – the winning song will then be professionally recorded in the recording studio.