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Twitch defuses rules – streamers hope for ‘Big W movement’

Twitch defuses rules – streamers hope for ‘Big W movement’

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Twitch accommodates streamers. The streaming platform is easing rules and seeing positive developments. Any change this?

SAN FRANCISCO – It hasn’t been easy for the most popular live streaming platform for video games and Just Chatting in recent years. Some radical changes at Twitch have caused streaming greats like Ninja to turn their backs on the platform. But now something seems to be happening. Twitch is bringing about significant, positive change and putting a big smile on the faces of streamers. In the article we tell you what the change is and why hope has returned to many.

Twitch is relaxing the rules – streamers are happy again

This is what Twitch will change: Simultaneous broadcasting is back. Originally, Twitch allowed streamers on multiple platforms to stream the same content at the same time. But then they changed their minds this year. Since then, all content streamed on Twitch has been exclusive to Twitch. We reported, for example, that this served as an incentive for streamer Ninja to stop streaming there: Ninja: The world’s largest streamer is turning its back on Twitch – goodbye forever.

Twitch defuses rules – streamers have hope:
Twitch Defuses Rules – Streamers Have Hope: “Big W Move” © Twitch

Good news and breathing space for many streamers: You can simulcast again. This is a great opportunity, especially for small streamers, to reach a lot of people on different platforms and thus achieve a big reach. It’s not unlikely that the backlash in the last few months was too much for Twitch and they had to back off a bit.

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What does simulcast mean?

Simultaneous streaming means streaming the same content on multiple platforms at the same time. In addition to Twitch, there are other streaming services such as YouTube, Facebook Gaming, TikTok, Instagram or Kick. Many see this as a good opportunity to gain more reach.

Twitch reintroduces simulcasting – this is how the community reacts

This streamer is particularly passionate about simulcasting: The famous American streamer penguinz0, also known as Cr1TiKaL, is very happy with this innovation. So much so that he will also start streaming on Twitch. The YouTuber had previously terminated his contracts with Twitch in order to stream exclusively on YouTube.

He explained in his YouTube video that he spoke to Twitch’s new CEO, Daniel Clancy. Clancy is part of the Twitch community and streams on the platform himself. Thanks to the CEO’s passion, there is once again hope that Twitch can go in the right direction again, says Penguinz0. You can see the broadcaster’s ecstasy: “it’s a wonderful feeling. This is a big W move“.

Here’s what fans are saying about the comeback: There are many comments on current Twitch topics within penguinz0’s YouTube video. The mood is very positive. Twitch’s new CEO Dan Clancy in particular is receiving a lot of support. Here’s a glimpse:

  • “We desperately need more CEOs like this, (…) great respect.” – @jamesmercer848
  • “Every company needs a CEO like Dan who truly loves the company and will do everything he can to make it better for himself and his users.” – @GOKUISTHEBOMB
  • “I was at TwitchCon and went to the after party. Dan Clancy was there talking to us and listening to us. He took pictures with anyone who asked. All respect to that guy (…)” – @Clark_Clint
  • “Dan Clancy was someone who didn’t understand what the creators wanted for the platform, but he made an effort to connect with them and understand them. Truly an incredible man. – @chrisslebin8251
  • “I was worried this CEO would be even worse, but after watching an interview between him and Quin69, he actually seemed more humble than most CEOs and really listened and gave sound feedback to questions. He seems interested in making the platform more friendly again.” – @hycree9373
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Twitch recently introduced this innovation: Twitch Stories: Feature Explained – Create a story, interact with it, and more.