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US Army: Soldier who defected to North Korea pleads guilty, released

US Army: Soldier who defected to North Korea pleads guilty, released

US soldier Travis King, who defected to North Korea last year and was subsequently expelled, is now in North Korea. USA He was sentenced to a year in prison for escape. But King does not have to serve his sentence at Fort Bliss, Texas, because of his guilty plea, time served and good behavior, his attorney said. “Travis is now free and he's going home,” his attorney said.

King was tried in a military court on 14 charges. In addition to desertion, he pleaded guilty to four other charges, including insubordination, his lawyer said. The government moved to dismiss the other nine charges as part of a plea agreement.

“Travis King has faced significant challenges throughout his life, including a difficult upbringing, a criminal environment, and mental health issues,” his attorney said. “All of these factors exacerbated the difficulties he faced in the military.”

King was stationed in South Korea until the summer of 2023. Due to his involvement in a fight, a confrontation with police, and a stay in prison in South Korea, he was actually supposed to be flown to the United States. But he managed to get away from the airport and go on a sightseeing tour of the demilitarized zone between the South and the East. north korea He made contact. He crossed the border, where the highly secure frontier between the two countries is marked only by a low concrete wall. The regime in Pyongyang handed him over to the United States in September 2023.