G.enf (AP) – After the summit between the US President Joe Biden Russian President Vladimir Putin has not promised the Washington administration any rapid improvement in relations with Russia.
A government official said Wednesday after talks in Geneva that there were some movements in some areas. However, it will take some time to see if this really leads to results. “It’s different from flipping a light switch.” Putin Biden agreed that the United States and Russia would begin talks on arms control and cyber security.
Konstantin Kozulin, Vice President of the Russian Armed Forces, praised the agreement reached between the leaders of the two countries in the strategic arms control talks. After the summit on Russian state television, Kozhev said that without such talks, the last major nuclear disarmament deal would fail. But now there is a chance that a new contract will come before the so-called new opening agreement. “That’s very good.”
The meeting of the leaders of the world’s largest nuclear powers took place in the secluded Villa La Grange on Lake Geneva. This is the first meeting between the two since Biden took office in January, marking the end of the Democrats’ first foreign trip as US president. In the past, Biden has met with traditional American allies in Europe and attended the summits of the seven major industrialized nations (G7), NATO and EU representatives supported the meeting with Putin.
The relationship between Moscow and Washington has long been strained. The summit took place at the invitation of Biden. The presidents later insisted in separate press conferences that the conversation was constructive. For hours, full-scale topics were covered: in addition to nuclear weapons control issues, there were human rights conflicts in Afghanistan, Syria and Libya, and the United States lamented Russia’s interference in the US elections.
CDU Foreign Politician Norbert Rodgen The fact that Biden and Putin started a conversation was considered “good news”. “This is the beginning of a return to diplomatic default, and much more cannot be expected from this meeting,” said Oxburgh Alzheimer’s foreign affairs chairman. The fact that the ambassadors of the United States and Russia should return to their workplace speaks for the mutual desire to work in the relationship, Rodgen said. However, “numerous conflicts will all continue”.
Peter Bayer, Atlantic Coordinator of the German Government, sees Biden on the right track in dealing with Russia. “The West needs to find a good balance between pressure and dialogue,” said Funke, a CDU member of the Bundestag newspaper, a press group. Biden will not let anything escape, and will talk about grievances such as the handling of Ukraine or the case of the Kremlin critic. Alexei Navalny Open. “Putin is taking Pita seriously, you can tell.”
From the perspective of a former U.S. defense adviser John Bolton Putin in particular benefited from the meeting. “I think he came out better, more useful because he had the meeting,” Bolton told CNN. Although Putin knows exactly what he wants to achieve, he has no strategic goals in mind. “The White House has set the bar too low, and they could not cross it.”
Bolton was Pitton’s pioneering security adviser until 2019 Donald Trump This potential was at the 2018 summit between Trump and Putin in Helsinki. At the time, Trump questioned the knowledge of the US Secret Service about Russia’s involvement in US elections, thereby deceiving his own people.
Mentioning the US trend under Trump Apparently, Democratic US Congressman Adam Schiff said it was time to change the tone on Russia. After meeting with Biden and Putin, he wrote on Twitter: “The United States is once again a strong, unshakable force for human rights and democracy around the world.” Putin’s behavior can no longer be ignored. Biden told a news conference that he had given Putin the understanding that the United States would continue to condemn human rights abuses in Russia.
After the summit, Biden stressed the importance of how things went from here. The next six or twelve months will see whether the strategic arms control dialogue makes sense, whether there is agreement on the release of prisoners, and whether an agreement on cyber security will be reached. The United States has blamed Russian intelligence agencies for a massive hacker attack on government agencies, other agencies and companies in the United States. Putin has repeatedly denied such allegations.
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