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USA: Activists and former spies align themselves against Donald Trump’s “enemies”

USA: Activists and former spies align themselves against Donald Trump’s “enemies”

Some followers Donald Trump They are ready to go the extra mile in support of the former US president. This has been shown several times in the Republican four-year term. Die »New York Times Has now revealed another example of reading like a spy novel.

According to the American newspaper, the Conservative activist group “Project Veritas”, along with a former British spy, took action against Trump’s “enemies” during the Trump administration. So the focus of the campaign was on former National Security Adviser HR. Is an action against McMaster. The goal was to remove McMaster.

The New York Times also reports on covert surveillance of FBI staff. The committee wanted to know if there was an anti-Trump mentality in the ranks of the federal police. For this purpose, the team sent employees as secret agents on alleged dates with FBI agents. Women were reportedly in the process of documenting slanderous comments about the president.

The report is based on several documents and interviews. According to its own information, the “New York Times” spoke with more than a dozen former members and former and current government employees and accessed internal documents.

During the Trump administration, “Project Veritas” received millions of donations

The former British spy is said to have been at the center of covert operations. Richard Sedan was already hired in 2016 by a security company to train members of “Project Veritas”. He trained them on how to destroy trade unions, democratic campaigns or other political goals.

It is unclear whether Trump or any of his advisers were involved in the operation. To oust McMaster, the group wanted to put a woman on him. This should attract him from the reserve with irrelevant comments. Meetings must be recorded. The team hoped that McMaster’s reaction would have given them enough reason to no longer be in office.

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The operation was finally halted in March 2018. Controversial McMaster announced his resignation on March 22, 2018. This prevents him from being ousted by Trump.

We need to see if there are masterminds behind the campaign

According to the report, several “Project Veritas” employees were involved in the operation. However, it remains to be seen whether the panel is backed by the real mastermind or someone else. “Project Veritas” is a non-profit organization. In the past, this group has waged a number of campaigns against media organizations and democratic politicians.

According to the “New York Times”, “Project Veritas” hosted a wedding during the Trump administration and received millions in donations from private donors and conservative foundations.