FromAres Abaci
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A special panel of the US House of Representatives summons the leaders of the “Proud Boys” and the “Guardians of the Truth”.
WASHINGTON DC – A special panel of the US Congress on Tuesday (November 23, 2021) presented saponas to Enrique Tario, President of the Proud Boys, and Stewart Rhodes, Founder of the Oath Keepers. In addition, the little-known right-wing extremist group 1st Amendment Pretorian was summoned along with its leader, Robert Patrick Louise, according to the American daily Politico.
The purpose of the Congress was to investigate the January 6 uprising. Extremist groups played a key role in the Capitol storm following former President Donald Trump’s call for a hurricane in Washington.
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U.S. House of Representatives Benny Thompson said in a statement that the group was seeking information from “those involved in planning the attack, the violent mob that attacked Capitol on January 6 or attempting to alter the outcome of the election.” He believes there is relevant information for invited individuals and organizations, Politico says. Saponas need documents by December 7 and hearings next week. Attorneys for the invited groups and individuals did not immediately respond to requests for comment.
Tario is currently being held in a Washington jail for burning a Black Lives Matter trap stolen from a nearby church during a pro-Trump rally in December 2020 – he faces up to six months in prison for property damage. Rhodes, who was in Capitol on Jan. 6, did not appear to have entered the building and is being investigated by the FBI.
The summons was issued against Broad Boys chairman Enrique Tario.
© Image / Chris Tuite
Capitol storm in Washington: “Proud boys” and “vow keepers” target
The judiciary has charged dozens of members of the Broad Boys and Oath Keepers with involvement in the siege of the Capitol, and the leaders of these groups have been accused of plotting to prevent Congress from investigating the results of the US Certificate Election 2020. These conspiracy cases are the most complex and significant cases brought by federal prosecutors against the more than 700 defendants charged in connection with the January 6 attacks.
The latest series of sapphires suggest that the House Special Panel has targeted groups such as the Broad Boys and Oath Keepers, whose members have been actively organizing for several weeks to arrive in Washington, DC on January 6 and helping to promote Trump’s support. The rallies later turned into insurgency.
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The group’s growing interest in the role of local militants on January 6 coincides with the judiciary’s comprehensive investigation into the Capitol attack. Prior to Sapona’s meeting on Tuesday, the group primarily expressed interest in witnesses who could testify further about Trump’s role in trying to reverse the election, and invited his supporters to Washington on January 6.
Federal Judge Amit Mehta, who is presiding over the affidavit, said he hoped Trump and his allies would shirk responsibility for triggering the recent Capitol storm.
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However, the judge also expressed grave concern about the planning of those who will be sworn in before January 6. Many have claimed that Trump attended the rally to keep the “VIPs” safe and that they carried equipment to prepare for possible counter-protests. Oth Keepers leader Kelly Mex told allies, “This is not a rally,” citing Mehta as the main source for the group’s purpose.
It can be difficult to provide a sapona for a special committee pledge keeper organization. The group’s attorney recently withdrew, accusing the company of not being able to contact anyone. The movement came in the wake of a lawsuit filed by members of Congress against Trump and his allies following the January 6 attacks. According to The Daily Beast, Thompson initially led the case, but later withdrew as chairman of the special committee. (Ares Abashi)
Rubriklistenbild: © Image / Chris Tuite
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