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USA: Republicans' sixth TV fight is a compromise

USA: Republicans' sixth TV fight is a compromise

A week before the area code Republic In the US state of New Hampshire, ABC News and WMUR-TV canceled the sixth televised debate between the Republican presidential candidates – due to a lack of participants.

“Our intention was to hold a debate following the primaries Iowa “The broadcaster said in a statement. “But we always knew it depended on the applicants and the outcome of the race.”

In Monday's first Republican primary in Iowa, the former US president Donald Trump A clear success. Florida Governor Ron DeSantis took second place in Iowa by a clear margin. Former US Ambassador to the United Nations Nikki Haley came in third. Businessman Vivek Ramasamy, who was in fourth place, dropped out of the race that night and threw his support behind Trump.

Another televised fight opened up

It was on Tuesday Haley The contestant then refused to participate in future televised fights without Trump. He abstained from the first five debates, arguing that he did not need to participate because of his high poll numbers.

The deadline, set by ABC News and WMUR-TV, was passed without Haley or Trump confirming their presence at Thursday's scheduled debate. Actually there should be another fight on Sunday on CNN. It is not clear at first whether this will happen.

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Anyone seeking to become the Republican nominee must first win intra-party votes in individual states. Everything now points to Trump eventually winning and a new version of the campaign between him and Democratic incumbent Joe Biden.

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