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USA: Steven Spielberg popularizes the Devil’s Tower in Wyoming

USA: Steven Spielberg popularizes the Devil’s Tower in Wyoming

Wyoming Area

WYoming bed is not for potatoes. Meadows, mountains, valleys, national parks, buffalo herds, campfires and cowboys – this is what Wyoming sells to tourists. Here you can practice mountaineering, skiing, horse riding, rafting and kayaking. Or do you want something quieter? So hiking, camping, fishing, wildlife discovery. Outdoor destination for everything from summer pancake breakfasts to campfires, ideal for winter skiing.

The square level is at the heart Rocky Mountains. For a long time, the area was only a hub for large western treks. Wyoming is still a sparsely populated state. It has a population of just 578,000. The largest cities are the capital, Cheyenne, and Caspar, with a population of about 60,000 each.

Most viewers, however, go to the extent of maintaining the Wild West myth. This place was also occupied by Colonel William F. in 1890. Founded by Buffalo Bill of Cody. Germany Occurred. In Dresden Coincidentally, he met writer Carl May and is said to have inspired his “old shutterhand” fantasies.

State of Wyoming in the United States

Source: Infographic World

Cody is about the buffalo bill, which is visited by one million tourists every year Western Museum. Outside the Irma Hotel many people attend the free confettier show featuring Sundance Kid, Butch Casey, Wyatt Airbnb and Buffalo Bill. The fire is extinguished every day except Sunday.

Encourages climbing the Devil’s Tower

Suddenly he stands there like a huge block on the Devil’s Tower in the middle of a flat meadow in northeastern Wyoming. A spectacular 264 meters high flat basalt monolith stands alone in the landscape. Seen from a distance, it has been a national monument since 1906 United States Explained.

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The Devil’s Tower is known as the UFO landing site in Steven Spielberg’s 1977 Classic Close Encounters of the Third Kind. A ghostly good place to climb, but only with permission. Because among the natives, the mountain is considered sacred, the spiritual home of the original Grizzly Bear.

Wyoming: At 264 meters high, the Devil's Tower is a sacred place for plains Indians with its volcanic eruptions.

The Devil’s Tower is a sacred place for Indians with volcanic eruptions

Source: Getty Images / Callow Images Roots Collection

Devil's Tower in Wyoming: With permission, climbers can climb the mountain

With permission, climbers are allowed to climb the mountain

Source: Getty Images / Peter Unger

Climbing the Devil's Tower in Wyoming, USA

One heel is best for one breath at a dizzy height

Source: Getty Images / Federica Grossi

Wyoming in the United States: Frank Sanders was fascinated by the Devil's Tower decades ago.  Since then he has climbed the mountain more than 2000 times

Frank Sanders was inspired by the Devil’s Tower decades ago. Since then he has climbed the mountain more than 2000 times

Source: Getty Images / Denver Post via Helen H. Richardson

Bison and geysers in Yellowstone National Park

Today it is wilder than ever: Yellowstone National Park was founded 150 years ago, making it the oldest national park in the world. A natural reserve spread over both Wyoming and Idaho and the two corners of Montana. Hot springs, hissing geysers and especially its savages, roam the valleys and love to graze on park paths.

This super volcano could destroy the whole world

A huge volcanic eruption in Yellowstone National Park could plunge the world into disaster. The Grand Canyon can be filled with magma eleven times.

They are the main attraction of nearly five million visitors a year. Because of the “real” savagery, Wyoming’s heraldic animals live only in the Yellowstone; All other captive breeds on the continent were crossed with domestic livestock. Yellowstone is the only place where barbarians have lived unhindered since ancient times.

Wyoming: Yellowstone National Park is famous for its hot springs, hissing geysers and its wildlife.

Yellowstone National Park is famous for its hot springs, hissing geysers and wildlife.

Source: Getty Images

Park Rangers were able to save the last herd from predators. These 23 animals found a sanctuary in the Pelican Valley. To avoid breeding, a bull wildebeest and seven cows were released in 1896 from the Lincoln Park Zoo in Chicago, Yellowstone. Today, 5,400 animals pass through the park in two large herds. On guided ranger tours you can approach antique cattle weighing up to 900 kg.

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The richest community in America

Tetton County in Wyoming has a per capita income of $ 250,000, making it the richest municipality in the United States. With a population of just 21,000, it is also known as the Forest of Billionaires. There is also an airport.

This is where many rich people change their residence wisely. Rocky Mountain Valley is not the only scenic spot in Jackson Hole or winter skiing. The community primarily attracts tax havens: low property taxes, minimal inheritance taxes and income taxes are completely waived in the district and all Wyoming.

Rodeo is the national sport of the state

This is at least eight long seconds. Until then, the back of a wild horse named Prongo should be empty. With only one hand on the handle of the waist belt, the rider should not touch anything with his free hand, otherwise he will be disqualified.

Rodeo with Old Tradition: Cheyenne Frontier Days has been held in Wyoming since 1897.

Old-fashioned rodeo: Cheyenne frontier days have been held since 1897.

Source: Getty Images

Rodeo is Wyoming’s state sport. “Bucking Brongo” – Bucking Wild Horse – Decorates license plates too. During the high season from May to October, more than 60 rodeos take place in the state, showing bull riding, calf catching with Lasso, and exciting course rides.

Legendary: Cheyenne Frontier Days in July, the world’s oldest U.S. rodeo since 1897. Today it is considered the “Super Bowl” of rodeo riders, with a prize pool of more than a million dollars. Tip: Million Night Night Rodeo runs throughout the summer. At the same time a folk festival with folk music, rodeo clowns, pony rides and barbecues. There is also a very popular snack: bison burger.

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The mythical creature is reminiscent of Walbertinger

Wyoming’s legendary creature has a pendant for the Bavarian Wolfertinger: a jackal called a jackal, a rabbit stuffed with deer antlers. Discovered in Douglas in 1932; Since then, the small town has lived on in his fame.

Source: Infographic World

The beast is everywhere: a stuffed beast, a coat of arms, a thorn, a street sign, a statue. The Chamber of Commerce issues hunting licenses to tourists for the Jacqueline Festival in June. The name Wyoming is protected as a trademark.


“You can tell by the cowboy hats of the tourists”

John Toss is a fourth generation cowboy. His family has owned the Clondic farm in Johnson County since 1920. He likes to wear a faded baseball cap, worn boots, and Wrangler jeans. But her guests like to carefully dress in western attire with the new Stetson hat and shiny belt hook.

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Cowboys in the United States

Farm vacations are popular with horseback riding, barbecueing and lasso throwing. On the working farm, things get very busy: adjusting fences, tidying up horses, rounding up livestock. In luxury farmhouses, on the other hand, people simply sit on the porch and watch the cowboys.

Strange, record-breaking, regular: Many parts of our regional geography series can be found here.

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